22222 February 22, 2022 10:28 AM   Subscribe

Hello Everyone! It's a Tuesday filled with many 2s. Two's Day Giveaway! And to celebrate that we're giving User ID 22222 away.

It never got claimed so, comment in this thread within the next 22 hours and 22 minutes and you'll be entered in a raffle to own this like-new MetaFilter account with the username of your choice*.
*One entry per person. (You can comment more than once, but it'll only count once.) Choice of username subject to mod approval. Entry deadline 16:50 UTC, Feb 23.

Update: WCityMike2 made a countdown clock!

Update 2: Jump to the results!
posted by loup (staff) to MetaFilter-Related at 10:28 AM (245 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

Today’s my birthday, so I propose you give it to me and I’ll only use it to post on February 22nd each year.
posted by Horace Rumpole at 10:34 AM on February 22, 2022 [22 favorites]

Can the winner donate it to a charity of their choice?
posted by snofoam at 10:36 AM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

If there's one thing Metafitler needs it's Bondcliff 2: The Sequel.
posted by bondcliff at 10:38 AM on February 22, 2022 [7 favorites]

My birthday is the 22nd (not this one), so I'm in.
posted by JanetLand at 10:42 AM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

c’est ça, le question
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 10:43 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Well, wouldn't that be something.
posted by nubs at 10:43 AM on February 22, 2022

Raffle me this.
posted by cgc373 at 10:44 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

It's also doubles jubilee month, which is appropriate.
posted by madcaptenor at 10:45 AM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

A good reason to log back in again.
posted by extraface at 10:47 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Yes hello
posted by Uncle at 10:49 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Would luv 2 own this account
posted by migurski at 10:51 AM on February 22, 2022

Let’s see…

Pee pee, poo poo, caca

thanks in advance
posted by stinkfoot at 10:52 AM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

I could finally memorize my user ID
posted by COD at 10:55 AM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

2 massed 2 numerous
posted by rodlymight at 10:55 AM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

posted by maurice at 10:55 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Could the account be gifted to a not-yet-MeFite?
posted by Kattullus at 10:59 AM on February 22, 2022 [7 favorites]

Do not include me in the raffle. Paradox!
posted by Tehhund at 10:59 AM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

Two die, two sleep. Two sleep, perchance two dream!
posted by drlith at 11:06 AM on February 22, 2022 [7 favorites]

Two little ducks: Quack quack quack!
posted by HandfulOfDust at 11:07 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Just imagine the convenience of having your metafilter user number match your luggage combination.
posted by rlk at 11:08 AM on February 22, 2022 [8 favorites]

I've had "get two tutus" on my to-dos for two Tuesdays
posted by adekllny at 11:12 AM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

posted by avocet at 11:13 AM on February 22, 2022

Well, I've been thinking about changing my username...
posted by yuwtze at 11:14 AM on February 22, 2022

2 me, 2 u.

2 no0b. Count me out. 22 would be worth having. User 2? Wowzers! But a 22k'er? Yuck.
posted by biffa at 11:16 AM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

My birthday is twomorrow so it's two early two celebrate. But in 22:22 twosday will be gone with the wind.
posted by Clinging to the Wreckage at 11:18 AM on February 22, 2022

Yes pls
posted by deezil at 11:21 AM on February 22, 2022

Just imagine the convenience of having your metafilter user number match your luggage combination.

and your ATM PIN!
posted by logicpunk at 11:21 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

My birthday was last week, but it's still my birthday MONTH so...

If I were to have user #22222, I promise that I would only use it for good. 2 Gray 2 Ducks.
posted by Gray Duck at 11:26 AM on February 22, 2022

Me too.
posted by zamboni at 11:26 AM on February 22, 2022

Ooh, it’s like vanity license plates coming to MetaFilter. You could raffle off other good ones next.
posted by daisyace at 11:30 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I wonder if Jordin Tootoo, who wore #22 in the NHL (and was the first Inuk to play in the league), would like an account?
posted by gemmy at 11:33 AM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

2 Post 2 Sockpuppet
posted by Pronoiac at 11:36 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

If 2N2222 doesn't post in this thread I'll be very disappointed :p
posted by wesleyac at 11:52 AM on February 22, 2022 [9 favorites]

"Just press 2 for a while."
posted by AgentRocket at 11:54 AM on February 22, 2022

Haha yes, love this. Now I just need to come up with something clever.
posted by Grither at 11:55 AM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

I went looking to see when the next 2/2/22 would happen on a Tuesday, but I got about as far as the year 4322 before I got bored.

Not that I don't like my username, but this is 2 interesting a contest 2 pass up.
posted by CheesesOfBrazil at 11:56 AM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

What's the difference between a duck? Both it's legs are twice the same!
posted by meinvt at 12:00 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

 2    2
posted by What is E. T. short for? at 12:13 PM on February 22, 2022 [5 favorites]

At least we're not selling UIDs on eBay like Slashdot did that one time.
posted by Kadin2048 at 12:18 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

5 little ducks (22222) went out to play
Over the fields and far away
When the mama duck called
Quack quack quack quack
4 little ducks came running back 🎶
posted by the primroses were over at 12:26 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

When my daughter was still one year old, but near her birthday, my neighbor filmed her, asking her about her birthday coming up, ( which is today.) He asked bow old she was going to be, and she said "Two," showing two fingers. He asked about what day and she said "Febbawary twodie two!"
posted by Oyéah at 12:27 PM on February 22, 2022 [6 favorites]

I want to play!
posted by a humble nudibranch at 12:30 PM on February 22, 2022

All the flowers that you planted mama
In the back yard
All died when you went away
I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard
But I'm willing to give it another try

Nothing compares

Nothing compares 22222 you

*whacks CD player to stop it from skipping*
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 12:31 PM on February 22, 2022 [9 favorites]

I went looking to see when the next 2/2/22 would happen on a Tuesday, but I got about as far as the year 4322 before I got bored.

Not that I don't like my username, but this is 2 interesting a contest 2 pass up.

The Gregorian calendar repeats with period 400 years, so 2/2/22 will be on a Tuesday in 2422, 2822, 3222, ...
posted by madcaptenor at 12:31 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

whispered... "two"....
posted by jenkinsEar at 12:41 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Pour le service en français, appuyer sur le 2.
posted by jacquilynne at 12:45 PM on February 22, 2022 [6 favorites]

Hello my name is Pluto and I deserve the user ID because of that post I made this month.
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 12:50 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

comment in this thread within the next 22 hours and 22 minutes

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
posted by Hardcore Poser at 12:54 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

It's my birthday too!!! And happy birthday Horace!
posted by Saucywench at 12:55 PM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

posted by ApathyGirl at 12:56 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

I'm not sure what I'd do with a sock puppet, but maybe it could give birth to a better, stronger, prettier maxwelton.
posted by maxwelton at 12:56 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I am imagining that this is to be read as a Prince song title: Tutu to Tutu.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 12:58 PM on February 22, 2022

2L;DR -- what am I supposed 2 do?
posted by OHenryPacey at 12:59 PM on February 22, 2022

Please enter me into this contest.
I propose the user name Jacob.
posted by mrgroweler at 1:11 PM on February 22, 2022

Please enter me into this contest.
I propose the user name Jacob
posted by mrgroweler at 1:12 PM on February 22, 2022

You would need a Hooded Fang sock puppet too
posted by nubs at 1:13 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

posted by dismas at 1:15 PM on February 22, 2022

2 delighted at this raffle, ent二ing hopefully
posted by ilicet at 1:22 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

One two, please.
posted by wordless reply at 1:27 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Why not? I like silly things.
posted by SansPoint at 1:27 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I won a hot plate in a raffle once. This would be at least 2 times better than that.
posted by skewed at 1:36 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I promise to use it for advocacy of ISO-8601 date formatting. "2022-02-22" will be the sock.
posted by k3ninho at 1:36 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

Does this come with cake? Because, as the winner, I will want cake.
posted by Kitteh at 1:45 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

You say 2mato, I say twomato
posted by oulipian at 1:49 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Here you go, Kitteh.👚🧥🎂
posted by taz (staff) at 1:53 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

I once ran a raffle as part of a clearance event at a sporting goods store. I totally rigged 2 out of the 3 drawings to go to people who weren’t total jerkfaces.

I regret nothing.
posted by mochapickle at 1:54 PM on February 22, 2022 [5 favorites]

The pressure to comment something worthy.
posted by hydrobatidae at 1:54 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I know I haven't been on metafilter a lot lately, so I just wanted to say: good luck, we're all counting on you.

Also, I was username-recognized on a local slack recently. I was amazed. Good work all you MeFites going out into the world and recognizing each other.
posted by Phredward at 1:57 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I want 22222 just so no one else can have it. I will keep it in its original box and put it on my shelf where I can look at it and think about how much more it is worth every minute of every day.
posted by skyscraper at 1:59 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

I could use another unused sockpuppet.
posted by zengargoyle at 2:00 PM on February 22, 2022

2222:2 Electric Boogaloo

Is it Ghostbusters 22222?
posted by ActingTheGoat at 2:01 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

Blade Runner 22222, surely.
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd at 2:03 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

It's no 16157 but still pretty shiny.
posted by Mitheral at 2:04 PM on February 22, 2022

my current number is 112842, 1+1=2, 2, 8/4=2, 2 making 2222 so I just need one more 2.
posted by a humble nudibranch at 2:10 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I want this number because it's just too too.

(Ok actually it's just too too too too too, but that doesn't roll off as nicely).
posted by Tandem Affinity at 2:11 PM on February 22, 2022

Yes please I would like to cosplay a noob
posted by donnagirl at 2:12 PM on February 22, 2022

2 tutus
posted by a humble nudibranch at 2:13 PM on February 22, 2022

two to tutu too
posted by a humble nudibranch at 2:14 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

One, two, buckle my shoe.
posted by dorey_oh at 2:14 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Two is my lucky number so the more the better, right?
posted by PussKillian at 2:17 PM on February 22, 2022

posted by carsonb at 2:22 PM on February 22, 2022

Cutting loose like five deuces
posted by Sparx at 2:23 PM on February 22, 2022

I also think you should give this to 2N2222.
posted by offog at 2:24 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

Is this basically an officially sanctioned sock puppet account? I assume I get to keep my old account?
posted by and they trembled before her fury at 2:25 PM on February 22, 2022

Welsh: Brand new dayad wen dnarb hslew.
posted by They sucked his brains out! at 2:27 PM on February 22, 2022

Also are they going to disclose the identity of the winner? Because if I’m gonna sockpuppet, I want it to be a secret!
posted by mochapickle at 2:27 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Also in keeping with the two theme, they should draw two names and go with the second…
posted by mochapickle at 2:28 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Is this a... what day is this?
posted by chewbud at 2:30 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Very cool! It's
34167 lower than my number and I love it
posted by Jacen at 2:35 PM on February 22, 2022

It just occurred to me that any number with all 2s as its digits nevertheless only has one factor of 2. Doesn't that feel a bit disappointing? Anyway I still want this account number.
posted by Panthalassa at 2:39 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

"Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey)"

"Yes, this is Miss Renee King from Philadelphia. I want you to please
give me a call on area code 215-222-4209 and I'm calling in reference
to the music business. Thank you."

Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name
And your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name (uh)
And your number
And I'll get back to you.

Once again it's another rap bandit
Fiending at I and I can't stand it
Wanna be down with the Day-Glo
Knocking on my door, saying, "a yo yo"
Knocking on my door, saying, "a yo yo"
"I got a funky new tune with a fly banjo"
I can't understand what the problem is
I find it hard enough dealing with my own biz
How'd they get my name and number
Then I stop to think and wonder
Bout a plan, yo man, I gotta step out town
You wanna call me up? Take my number down
It's 222-2222
I got an answering machine that can talk to you
It goes

Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you

Yo, check it, exit the old style
Enters the new
But nothing's new 'bout being hawked by a crew
Or should I say flock cause around every block
There's Harry, Dick, and Tom, with a demo in his palm
Now I'm with helping those who want to help themselves
And flaunt a nut that's doggy as in dope
But it's not the mood to hear
The tales of limousines and pails
Of money they'll make like a pro
I be like, "Yo black, just play me the tape"
But at the show the time to spare I just make
But the songs created in they shacks
Are so wick-wick-wack, situations like this
And now I hate they give me smiles Kool-Aid wide and ask,
"Was it def?"
And with the straighest face I be like, "Hell yes."
I slip them the digits to Papa Prince Paul
So I don't go AWOL but yet I know when they call
They get

Hey how ya doing
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name
And your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are ya doin
Sorry you can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Check it out

Party at the dug-out on Diction Ave
Haven't been to the jam in quite a while
Figure I'll catch up on the latest styles
'Stead piles and piles of demo tapes bi-da miles
All I wanna do is cut on the decks wild
But edition up here bi-da miles to the center
Reliever of duty, Plug One mosies in
And I be like, "Yo G, Pos does all the producing"

Now woe is me to the third degree
Mase pulls the funny so I make like a bunny
But I'm getting used to this demo abuse
Getting raped and giving birth to a tape
Cause there's no escape from the clutches of a hawker
Attached to my success, sent like a stalker
Make way to my radius playin fly guy
Try to get on my back they force like Luke Sky
Me Myself and I go through this act daily
And rarely do I not
No matter how I dodge some jackal always nails me
No matter what the plot
And even out on tour they be like,
"Yo I got a tape to play you back at the hotel"
I be like "Oh swell"
Unveil the numeric code to dial my room
And tell them to call me at noon
But of course there's no answering machine in my room
But a pretty young adorer
Who I swung on tour
And if it rings while we're alone
She'll answer the phone
And with the quickness she'll recite like a poem

"Hey, you done did the right thing, dial up my ring ring
Now you're waiting on the beep.
Say, I would love if you'd sing
The tune to Tru instead of fronting on the speak."
So no problemo, just play the demo
And at the end it's break out time
Please oh please don't press rewind
Cause I'll just lay it down the line

Hey how ya doing
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you

Hey how ya doing
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And we'll get back to you.. peace

'Yo what's up man, this is Ronald Master down with the Fish Tank
Posse, man, you know man, so you know you can just hook
me up, True. You know we got this fly new jam called 'Swimming In the
Fish Tank', you know we gonna rock it man, you know
what I'm saying, but I just need your help, Prince Paul gave me your
number, you know man, you just gotta do that for me,
got this fly bassline, got these fly trombones in it man, so just hook
me up, man, just look out, all right, call me back
at 557-2223 all right man, just look out, all right, look out for a
brother man!'

posted by Pendragon at 2:43 PM on February 22, 2022

Two users enter, one user leaves ...

no wait ... You think I don't know the law? Huh?

one user enters, and wins, and leaves with two!

Well, ain't we a pair, raggedy man?
posted by jazon at 2:44 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

I knew YouTube would not disappoint. TWOs Day Freeze Dance | 2's Day Brain Break
posted by kathrynm at 2:44 PM on February 22, 2022

Tout la Twosdays.
posted by Bee'sWing at 2:44 PM on February 22, 2022

I remember back in the bad old days when usernumbers were very important to mefi social status. In my mind, a higher user number means I'll be younger, right?
posted by muddgirl at 2:51 PM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

I need another sockpuppet.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 2:58 PM on February 22, 2022

In my mind, a higher user number means I'll be younger, right?
I'm literally counting on this as my retirement plan.
posted by Hardcore Poser at 3:03 PM on February 22, 2022 [6 favorites]

Well, happy 2sday everyone.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 3:05 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

What would I do with another user number?
2 accounts at the same time, man.
posted by Acari at 3:08 PM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

Sure, why not?
posted by khrusanthemon at 3:11 PM on February 22, 2022

Would the membership be backdated appropriately?
posted by fedward at 3:13 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

This is just two much for me to comprehend.
posted by dg at 3:14 PM on February 22, 2022

Maybe this could be a secret community user. We can all pass it around to different users through memail and each user can post . People can guess who the user is.
posted by gt2 at 3:16 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

posted by jessamyn (staff) at 3:20 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

The NYT crossword today was obsessed with “two,” and I had no idea why until hours after I finished it. Who even knows what day it is anymore? Time is a flat circle, etc.
posted by cellar door at 3:38 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

It’s my birthday, although at this point I’m just trying to pretend it’s not happening.
posted by drawsablank at 3:40 PM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?
posted by Pater Aletheias at 3:41 PM on February 22, 2022

posted by Pyry at 3:49 PM on February 22, 2022

(Okay to the raffle, not the milking thing)
posted by Pyry at 3:49 PM on February 22, 2022 [5 favorites]

All right, to hell with nondualism.
posted by mubba at 3:53 PM on February 22, 2022

         \   ^__^ 
          \  (oo)\_______
             (__)\       )\/\
                 ||----w |
                 ||     ||

posted by whisk(e)y neat at 3:53 PM on February 22, 2022 [7 favorites]

I forgot that user numbers even existed but I'm very sure that I deserve this.
posted by charismatic megafauna at 3:54 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

This is such a grand idea!
posted by WaspEnterprises at 3:56 PM on February 22, 2022

Looks like user 100000 was never claimed either, can I have that one? It's binary for 2, basically.
posted by team lowkey at 4:06 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

posted by y2karl at 4:07 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

Can't believe it hasn't been asked - how was it not assigned? Or was it, and the signup wasn't validated/ logged-in to be activated?

This account is definitely a permanent $5 noob account, iirc, my original account might have been during the 2nd round of the $5 noob era?

So 22222 likely required money (or dispensation). Did someone not buck (x5) up?
posted by porpoise at 4:08 PM on February 22, 2022

Wooo hoopa hoopa (note 2 hoopas), made a trivial two post elsewhere, perhaps the nerdiest toomentary is on /r/math which is to be expected.

2 is a highly composite number.
The number of odd entries in a row of Pascal triangle is always a power of 2
Worst prime ever!
It is one out of the only two natural numbers that is equal to its factorial, but arguably it is double as big as the other one!

Among other gems...
posted by sammyo at 4:21 PM on February 22, 2022

How does a number not get claimed? Aren't they assigned sequentially? If not, can I get 11111111111?
posted by xigxag at 4:23 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

I have a whole list of possible usernames in a file for just this sort of eventuality.
posted by Devils Rancher at 4:25 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

posted by clavdivs at 4:26 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I don’t know if I could handle the pressure, but…
posted by uncleozzy at 4:46 PM on February 22, 2022

So 22222 likely required money (or dispensation). Did someone not buck (x5) up?

Yep, precisely that: started a paid signup, never finished up. There are in fact a great many incomplete signups camping UIDs in the database, starting from when paid signups became a thing way back when, though most of them aren't as interesting a string as 22222.
posted by cortex (staff) at 4:55 PM on February 22, 2022 [5 favorites]

1+9+8+4 = 22    👀
posted by Lanark at 4:57 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

It never got claimed so

Oh yeah, that's been on my list for some time. Can I do it now?
posted by ctmf at 5:03 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

> Looks like user 100000 was never claimed either, can I have that one? It's binary for 2, basically.

It was raffled off in 2009, it looks like jamari won, but hasn't used it yet.

It looks like user numbers 200k and 300k weren't registered; we're up to around 320k now. User number 140000 is "giftuser140000" in the infodump, but hasn't completed the signup process yet.
posted by Pronoiac at 5:03 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

2 much pressure to come up with a good username.
posted by Liesl at 5:04 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Just kidding, don't even put me in the raffle; it seems more interesting to other people than it is to me and I would feel bad if I won.
posted by ctmf at 5:04 PM on February 22, 2022

Me and my army of sockpuppets would like to be entered in this raffle too
posted by Rumple at 5:07 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

"army of sockpuppets" is a pretty solid name, Rumple
posted by Pronoiac at 5:12 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

oooooh a giveaway!
posted by invokeuse at 5:33 PM on February 22, 2022

Yo!, coach, put me in the game!
posted by DeepSeaHaggis at 5:35 PM on February 22, 2022

I need a sockpuppet!
posted by pH Indicating Socks at 5:44 PM on February 22, 2022

Sure why not.
posted by solarion at 5:54 PM on February 22, 2022

I'm the Two. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Twoness, or uh, Twoer, or El Twoerino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
posted by enfa at 5:59 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

I took a photo at 2:20 of my two kids because the oldest was celebrating his birthday. We haven't all been in the same room for 2 years.
posted by b33j at 6:06 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Happy birthday 2 all those celebrating 2day! ✌️
posted by foxjacket at 6:06 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Happy Twosday, everyone!
posted by wiskunde at 6:07 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Happy day!!
posted by msbrauer at 6:08 PM on February 22, 2022

I guess I’d change my username to Spanish Square Dance if I won this.

Dos y dos y dos y dos y dos.
posted by dywypi at 6:10 PM on February 22, 2022 [4 favorites]

I'm holding out for 8675309
posted by Ghidorah at 6:17 PM on February 22, 2022 [7 favorites]

do it do it
posted by ashbury at 6:25 PM on February 22, 2022

aye aye!
posted by Tsuga at 6:40 PM on February 22, 2022

Trying hard to come up with usernames that would not be approved.
posted by eotvos at 6:42 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

I feel like I want this, but I dont know why. And then I'd probably squander the opportunity somehow. But count my vote anyway, and i'll deal with that when I need to!
posted by cgg at 6:48 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Trying hard to come up with usernames that would not be approved.

I don't really expect it to be an issue, but it hasn't quite never been an issue, so, y'know, we're covering the bases. Void where prohibited, do not operate while intoxicated, etc, etc.
posted by cortex (staff) at 6:48 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

I have some concerns with the "do not operate while intoxicated" restriction, but, hey. What the hell, sign me up!
posted by Floydd at 6:56 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

I love raffles, I'm in!
posted by Sparky Buttons at 7:09 PM on February 22, 2022

Me, me
posted by potrzebie at 7:15 PM on February 22, 2022

Is it really +14,379 better than what I already have?!?
posted by boost ventilator at 7:23 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Ooooh fun!
posted by Lesium at 7:31 PM on February 22, 2022

I'm not playing but I am here to boost the volume.
Good luck everybody! Remember to pay the pet tax if you gift the sock puppet to your dog.
Carry on, Toucan Sam.
posted by TrishaU at 7:38 PM on February 22, 2022

Port 22222!
posted by Bourbonesque at 7:44 PM on February 22, 2022

I'm game for all those 2s. But do I deserve them? Have I earned them? Probably not.
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 7:50 PM on February 22, 2022

uh, on we go, ta
posted by miles per flower at 7:52 PM on February 22, 2022

fais dos dos!
posted by Night_owl at 7:56 PM on February 22, 2022

Yo. (It's the 23rd here in Sydney, still doing it.)
posted by andreaazure at 8:00 PM on February 22, 2022

In this essay I will describe how being #2 in line is actually a great power move since you don't have to be where the buck stops and...
posted by cobaltnine at 8:09 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

posted by Carouselle at 8:09 PM on February 22, 2022

Two be or not two be...
posted by Jeff Morris at 8:14 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

posted by tzikeh at 8:24 PM on February 22, 2022

I'm a day late for this, can I still apply? Do you take these expired coupons? The red Kool-Aid, does it come in other colours?
posted by turbid dahlia at 8:38 PM on February 22, 2022

cortex: I don't really expect it to be an issue, but it hasn't quite never been an issue

posted by tzikeh at 8:40 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

The only 2 missing is us 2.
posted by Pyrogenesis at 8:44 PM on February 22, 2022

I grew up around many Yiddish-speaking adults who, to ward off the evil eye, would follow any statement about a good thing, or a bad thing (“we shouldn’t know from such things”) with “tu tu tu” (yes, others say “pu, pu, pu”).

So, my mother and I have joked that today is an especially powerful day for warding off bad things. So, I don’t want to bogart the power, so if I win, I will donate the user ID to someone most in need of uplift and protection. ;-)
posted by The Wrong Kind of Cheese at 8:46 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Get down 2 busine22
posted by supercres at 8:47 PM on February 22, 2022

Whoa! It’s full of twos.
posted by klausman at 8:51 PM on February 22, 2022

boo two
posted by baegucb at 8:51 PM on February 22, 2022

Did I make it? Can I keep my old user number if I win? Would that make me Mr. Inbetween? Does 0 plus 2 equal one?
posted by vrakatar at 8:51 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

To be or not 22222 be
posted by bowline at 8:52 PM on February 22, 2022

On an amusing aside, I asked my wife what day of the week it was. Tuesday was the reply. And I then asked what the date was. She didn't know exactly, so I told her it was 2/22/22 on a Twosday.

She thought she had forgotten an anniversary of some sort, and that was why I had been asking her about the date. Her language, with a smile, was colorful. :)
posted by baegucb at 8:57 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

First post!
posted by 40 Watt at 8:58 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

How do I see my user number? I can not see it in my profile, but I recall it has 4 7's.
posted by vrakatar at 9:01 PM on February 22, 2022

Hey there!!!
posted by calgirl at 9:10 PM on February 22, 2022

Fipple deuce.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 9:37 PM on February 22, 2022

Additionally I also like 2 too as well…
posted by veneer at 10:19 PM on February 22, 2022

shit i didn't miss it, did i? it's too late to do math....
posted by not_on_display at 10:22 PM on February 22, 2022

You didn't! WCityMike2 made a countdown clock.
posted by taz (staff) at 10:35 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

2222222222222 reasons
posted by mathiu at 11:06 PM on February 22, 2022

Nothing compares 2 five 2s!!
posted by argonauta at 11:16 PM on February 22, 2022 [1 favorite]

Entering a raffle. Why not, right?
posted by your postings may, in fact, be signed at 11:35 PM on February 22, 2022

Two forever!
posted by hungrytiger at 11:36 PM on February 22, 2022

Is it still today? I can never tell anymore.
posted by obloquy at 11:47 PM on February 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

If elected I will rule Metafilter with a silly-putty fist gloved in the finest natural synthetic velour.
posted by zippy at 11:58 PM on February 22, 2022 [3 favorites]

posted by lazaruslong at 1:36 AM on February 23, 2022

posted by jamjam at 2:12 AM on February 23, 2022

A 2nd backup account, with an ID I can remember?
posted by JiBB at 2:16 AM on February 23, 2022

What the heck! I’m in!
posted by LuckySeven~ at 2:36 AM on February 23, 2022

Woot woot!!
posted by pearlybob at 3:53 AM on February 23, 2022

Thank you for making the countdown clock. That helps as Mefites are in many different time zones.
posted by cynical pinnacle at 4:58 AM on February 23, 2022

Gimme gimmie
posted by porn in the woods at 5:01 AM on February 23, 2022

I will work twice as hard to be a good 'fite. I love you all.
posted by Glomar response at 5:07 AM on February 23, 2022

2 late
posted by chavenet at 5:35 AM on February 23, 2022

'22 Two's'
posted by box at 5:37 AM on February 23, 2022

How do I see my user number?

Float your mouse pointer over your username on any post or comment, or visit your profile and check the browser's URL box.
posted by flabdablet at 5:44 AM on February 23, 2022

When I found this and clicked through to the countdown clock, there was 2 hours and 2 minutes to go, which was obviously a sign that this is 2 good 2 miss!
posted by KatlaDragon at 6:50 AM on February 23, 2022

Well, I have always wanted a sockpuppet. Fingers crossed.
posted by Spathe Cadet at 6:52 AM on February 23, 2022

Alright then, raffle me.
posted by cooker girl at 6:53 AM on February 23, 2022

2Pac would want me to have this.
posted by antihistameme at 6:54 AM on February 23, 2022 [3 favorites]

I'd love it. thanks...
posted by papergirl at 6:59 AM on February 23, 2022

In before the deadline - (t)Wo(oot!)
posted by birdsquared at 7:18 AM on February 23, 2022

                    _     _
                   ( \---/ )
                    ) . . (
Me two please!
posted by humph at 7:30 AM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

oh hello, it's been a while.
posted by jivadravya at 7:43 AM on February 23, 2022

Whoo! So many 2's.
posted by machine at 8:04 AM on February 23, 2022

does anyone even read the comments down here....
posted by ersatzkat at 8:04 AM on February 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

Heck yeah!
posted by zoetrope at 8:17 AM on February 23, 2022

(Timer update: about 22 minutes to go)
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 8:28 AM on February 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

eh, sure.

why not.
posted by eclectist at 8:29 AM on February 23, 2022


*clamps raffle gate closed*

That's it for entries; I'll be back with a drawing result shortly.
posted by cortex (staff) at 8:51 AM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

Mod note: For the drawing, I've used the industry standard "paste the thread into Sublime Text and then do some regex and sorting operations" process: copy and paste; sort out only the "posted by ..." lines and ditch the rest; regex everything after the "posted by [username]" portion off those bylines; permute the text by uniqueness to get rid of duplicate entries; and then shuffle the list.

Whoever lands in spot 22 (out of 189 entrants) gets the UID. And the winner is...

Grither! Who will now have to come up with something clever. We'll get you set up with temporary login info for the account and you can let us know what you want the proper username to be once you've decided. Congrats, and thanks everyone for getting in on this goofiness.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:02 AM on February 23, 2022 [16 favorites]

(Programmer's paradox: there are faster, cleaner ways to execute this sort of drawing, but they all would have taken longer and been messier.)
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:03 AM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

And for anyone who wants photo documentation of the drawing process, here's how the dramatic moment played out.
posted by cortex (staff) at 9:06 AM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

WELL DONE GRITHER! Enjoy your many 2s!
posted by Shepherd at 9:50 AM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

2nd congrats for Grither!
posted by nubs at 10:04 AM on February 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

Use your new powers wisely and for the causes of good and not evil, New Grither!
posted by not_on_display at 10:12 AM on February 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

Oh wow, so exciting! And also, so much responsibility!
posted by Grither at 10:52 AM on February 23, 2022 [15 favorites]

Good luck, we're all counting, etc. etc.
posted by cgc373 at 10:54 AM on February 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

Earn this.

posted by bondcliff at 10:58 AM on February 23, 2022 [4 favorites]

congrats congrats!
posted by mochapickle at 11:20 AM on February 23, 2022

The ONE TIME I forgot to vote #! Quidnunc Kid, and look what happens!
posted by briank at 11:31 AM on February 23, 2022 [6 favorites]

Gives side eye to Eris.
posted by zengargoyle at 11:40 AM on February 23, 2022

The ONE TIME I forgot to vote #! Quidnunc Kid, and look what happens!

I think in this instance the vote would have to have been for #2 Quidnunc Kid
posted by nubs at 12:08 PM on February 23, 2022 [8 favorites]

Hello! Now to think of a clever username. I am worried I won't surpass the default provided by cortex...
posted by it takes twototututoo at 12:08 PM on February 23, 2022 [13 favorites]

Yay, Grither!!
posted by gemmy at 12:09 PM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

posted by y2karl at 12:15 PM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

Congratulations Grither! I'm kind of relieved I didn't win, as I don't think I could handle the pressure.
posted by dg at 12:23 PM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

Congrats Grither! I'm not jealous 😅
posted by foxjacket at 1:59 PM on February 23, 2022

I assume everyone else, like me, has been trying to become the 22nd person to congratulate grither. I can’t stay up much longer, so I’ll concede this fight and become the 11h MeFite to say:

Congrats, grither!
posted by Kattullus at 3:07 PM on February 23, 2022

11 -> 1 + 1 = 2

everybody's a winner
posted by cortex (staff) at 3:12 PM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

every 1’s a winner
posted by dywypi at 3:18 PM on February 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

Every other congrats is a winner. Rules of 2 and Double Your Fun.
posted by zengargoyle at 9:10 PM on February 23, 2022

Damn it, there's a double post filter that ruined the joke.
posted by zengargoyle at 9:11 PM on February 23, 2022

Is there though?

Congrats, Grither!
posted by flabdablet at 23:47 on February 23 [+] [!]

Is there though?

Congrats, Grither!
posted by flabdablet at 11:47 PM on February 23, 2022 [2 favorites]

the winner of 22222, at lucky number 22

It was meant to be!
posted by EndsOfInvention at 7:45 AM on February 24, 2022 [1 favorite]

It was meant 2 B (because B is the second letter)
posted by flabdablet at 8:11 AM on February 24, 2022 [5 favorites]

It's a fraud! I won this contest! My lawyers are the bestest and I will get the Supreme Court to agree!

lol congrats
posted by baegucb at 8:32 PM on February 24, 2022


85 total



2 + 2 = 2 × 2 = 22 = 4

Conspiracy? You decide.
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs at 4:48 AM on February 25, 2022 [6 favorites]

Uh oh, I did it. Hopefully there's at least one person out there that I didn't disappoint!
posted by it takes twototututoo at 7:17 AM on February 25, 2022 [9 favorites]

(does a double take)

posted by flabdablet at 7:29 AM on February 25, 2022

oh man.....missed this. would have went with 922257033c4a0f3cecdbd819a46d626999d1af4b as new username
posted by 922257033c4a0f3cecdbd819a46d626999d1af4a at 9:00 AM on February 25, 2022 [7 favorites]

Congrats to gither!
posted by Going To Maine at 9:21 AM on February 25, 2022

I'd like to enter this raffle. I have very poor luck with raffles.
posted by rebent at 2:55 PM on February 26, 2022 [5 favorites]

Bad news: Your luck hasn't improved.
posted by Mitheral at 5:08 PM on February 26, 2022 [6 favorites]

It's gonna be decades before this chance comes up again! Even WITH 55555 being open. May 55, 2055? That's so far away from now!
posted by not_on_display at 8:49 PM on March 2, 2022 [3 favorites]

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