Hurricane Milton check-in thread October 9, 2024 1:50 PM   Subscribe

Many MeFites are in the track of this beast, and there's a post on the Blue to share info. I thought we could use a space to check-in and keep each other company, share best wishes, worries, hopes and suggestions for staying safe.
posted by invincible summer to MetaFilter-Related at 1:50 PM (3 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

How is everyone doing down there?

Hopefully everyone who needed to evacuate was able to. Evacuation is a privilege - not everyone gets to do it even if they want to, due to finances or transportation problems or complex family situations, etc. I hope wherever you are in Florida, you are able to find someplace safe for you and your loved ones!
posted by invincible summer at 1:58 PM on October 9 [3 favorites]

Just to start off with some good news, Milton turned north a bit earlier than expected so the worst of it missed Yucatán entirely. The north shore saw some major storm surges and there was one building collapse, but there were no reported injuries.

We are all hoping it goes so easy on our Floridan cousins.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 3:45 PM on October 9 [15 favorites]

Sigh. Posting in one of these again. We evacuated to FLL. 15 miles north and I'm pretty sure we have nothing to go home to. So now.... Someone else's dream is getting destroyed. We're safe and OK. And very very weary/exhausted.
posted by chasles at 6:07 PM on October 9

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