Flash Friday bumper sticker. November 24, 2002 3:11 PM   Subscribe

Yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker on a pickup truck that said, "Flash me, it's Friday!" Is this the origin of Flash Friday on MetaFilter?
posted by faustessa to MetaFilter-Related at 3:11 PM (4 comments total)

no. it was the bumper stickers: how's my flashing? call 1-800-fridays and let us know.
posted by quonsar at 3:20 PM on November 24, 2002

occasionally some friday falls during the week. this friday can build up to the point it overuns its banks and flash fridays occur. be alert for flash fridays. tune to NOAA weather radio for flash friday information.
posted by quonsar at 3:22 PM on November 24, 2002

there was this barkeep name of friday, see...
posted by quonsar at 3:23 PM on November 24, 2002

Flash Friday was invented or popularized by shock jock Tom Leykis .
posted by jeffbarr at 3:45 PM on November 24, 2002

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