is there a way to undo a trackback? April 2, 2003 5:51 AM   Subscribe

is there a way to undo a trackback? does there need to be one?
posted by complex to Bugs at 5:51 AM (4 comments total)

needless to say, i've committed this gaffe, pinging the wrong article. is there a way to do this that i'm missing?
posted by complex at 5:52 AM on April 2, 2003

Sorry, I have no answer, but a question that's been in the back of my mind for all those who've "trackbacked" in the past:
Do you get many refferals for it?
posted by Blake at 6:53 AM on April 2, 2003

If you utilize the "auto-discovery" feature within Movable Type, it will ping the proper URLs for you, eliminating the chance of error.
posted by machaus at 7:22 AM on April 2, 2003

I get a few hits here and there from the two threads I've trackbacked.

The only thing about auto-discovery is that it just sort assumes that you *do* want to ping--from what I can tell, it's not something one can turn on and off for particular entries. You can disallow incoming pings for individual entries, but I'm looking at my 'create new entry' page right now, and I don't see any way to turn off autodiscovery (if I were to have it turned on, which I don't).

I don't see any way to delete a received ping from the MT interface; I would expect that the pingee would have to go into their db and manually delete it.
posted by eilatan at 10:14 AM on April 2, 2003

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