Front page skipping a range of posts December 17, 2003 10:45 AM   Subscribe

Front page skipping a range of posts [more inside].
posted by turbodog to Bugs at 10:45 AM (4 comments total)

In the last few days I've noticed a range of posts missing from the front page. I noticed this after seeing that there's a missing line break between posts. Right now my front page jumps from to Notably thread was deleted, but thread was not. I saved the page source, if it's needed.

FWIW, Firebird 0.7 Win2k.
posted by turbodog at 10:49 AM on December 17, 2003

I can see 30272 fine in Opera 7.

(and three cheers for the deletion of the op-ed agenda posts)
posted by y6y6y6 at 10:53 AM on December 17, 2003

Interesting. Maybe I've drank to much Mozilla Kool-Aid, but I figured this was a server-side thing.

(and I second your three cheers).
posted by turbodog at 11:00 AM on December 17, 2003

it's also ok on ie6 (w2k) and mozilla1.2 (rh9) (ie 30272 is there and 30273 on lofi). (more cheers)
posted by andrew cooke at 11:12 AM on December 17, 2003

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