Link Titles Are Good... April 18, 2000 1:46 PM   Subscribe

Link Titles Are Good...and don't mess with your status bar. Here's an example that should show up when you mouseover it. Anyone who frequents twernt will know what I'm talking about. I encourage people to use them in their posts. And Matt, maybe we could get another field in the article posting form for this?
posted by lbergstr to Feature Requests at 1:46 PM (4 comments total)

Yeah, but, alas, (for all my Netscape cheerleading) 4.7 doesn't actually execute them.
posted by baylink at 6:31 AM on April 19, 2000

fwiw, I disagree. I hate those fucking things. If you mouseover a link in the middle of some text, the popup bubble obscures the text below.

Personally, I'll stick with onmouseover window.status messages.
posted by fraying at 11:33 AM on April 25, 2000

Ah, and I hate having the window.status obscured so I can't see the URL I'm about to open (or not). Guess it is a matter of preference, though at least your problem can be overcome by moving your mouse -- I'd have to view source and search (which is, of course, only for special occasions). If you do use window.status, displaying the URL as well, will let you have the best of both words. (I know you already do this Derek, but most people don't.)
posted by
sylloge at 10:28 PM on May 7, 2000


If you do use window.status, displaying the URL as well, like so will let you have the best of both words. (I know you already do this Derek, but most people don't.)
posted by sylloge at 10:29 PM on May 7, 2000

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