What are you dressed as for halloween? October 31, 2004 5:37 PM   Subscribe

What are you dressed as for halloween?
posted by Keyser Soze to Bugs at 5:37 PM (45 comments total)

If you really miss AskMe this much, you can mess with your hosts file, you know.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 5:39 PM on October 31, 2004

A car bomber complete with plastic AK-47 and t-shirt ninja face.

I also have a picture of Osama Bin Laden, completely offensive. My friend is going as a dead zombie. Last night he was one of the israelites I killed in a carbombing. It was pretty offensive.
posted by Keyser Soze at 5:42 PM on October 31, 2004

He's finally snapped.
posted by Jimbob at 6:07 PM on October 31, 2004

I'm going as a mongrel half-pollock guy in a black shirt sitting at home reading stupid shit on a website.
posted by angry modem at 6:09 PM on October 31, 2004

Before this gets deleted, I have to register my disgust over the fact that you ripped me off, Soze. I was a suicide bomber last year!
posted by ChasFile at 6:14 PM on October 31, 2004

stoned slacker.
posted by quonsar at 6:28 PM on October 31, 2004

Last night I was the Proletariat
posted by philcliff at 6:30 PM on October 31, 2004

I was a pirate. They were also known for killing people, incidentally.
posted by transient at 6:37 PM on October 31, 2004

posted by jfuller at 6:38 PM on October 31, 2004

A car bomber complete with plastic AK-47 and t-shirt ninja face.

Two years ago called, they want their risque character back.
posted by Krrrlson at 6:44 PM on October 31, 2004

posted by yhbc at 6:55 PM on October 31, 2004

i'm going as Seth this year ; >
posted by amberglow at 6:59 PM on October 31, 2004

I'm dressing as amberglow
posted by kamylyon at 7:02 PM on October 31, 2004

make that amberglow with a stomach bug and you're all set : <
posted by amberglow at 7:07 PM on October 31, 2004

I'm dressing up as a Right Wing Blogger, and it's kinda uncomfortable. Usually I don't wear pajamas.

scaring the neighbors in so many ways!
posted by wendell at 7:08 PM on October 31, 2004

I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I was a kid. I have some reactionary impulse against doing so, especially as it's become more and more the thing for adults to do so. I lost a job one time because I refused to dress up for Halloween. But this is just because I'm obstinate. I don't have anything against Halloween or other people dressing up.

If I did wear a costume, though, I'd wear a tuxedo and pretend to be James Bond just in case some guy invokes the God of Chaos and causes everyone to become what they're costumed as. Because that would be cool.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 7:10 PM on October 31, 2004

Two years ago called, they want their risque character back.

15 years ago called, they want their "______ called, they want their ______ back" back.
posted by ChasFile at 7:15 PM on October 31, 2004

Oh, that quip is so ten minutes ago.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 7:17 PM on October 31, 2004

My theme was late night at Hef's pad or something like that. I wore (am wearing) a very loungey red smoking jacket, tuxedo shirt and untied bow tie to my office (I work on Sundays) and about 1/5 of the folks here dressed up.

I have some reactionary impulse against doing so, especially as it's become more and more the thing for adults to do so. I lost a job one time because I refused to dress up for Halloween.

I'm surprised at your experiences, EB. I have always found the exact opposite to be true, although I can see how maybe it would vary regionally.
posted by milovoo at 7:32 PM on October 31, 2004

Switching faces with my MeFi buddy Woil.
posted by Happydaz at 7:41 PM on October 31, 2004

I'm going as a guy who doesn't dress up for Halloween parties.
posted by cmonkey at 8:34 PM on October 31, 2004

My gf dressed up as a cowgirl and I went as a cow.

We went down to party with a friend of hers in LA and stopped to eat at one of her favorite vegan restaurants, where I found a "Go Vegetarian" brochure that made a nice prop for my costume.
posted by scarabic at 8:36 PM on October 31, 2004

+ten points to ChasFile for the use of recursion.
posted by quonsar at 8:38 PM on October 31, 2004

My gf dressed up as a cowgirl and I went as a cow.

I went as a dickgirl.
posted by angry modem at 8:39 PM on October 31, 2004

"I'm going as a guy who doesn't dress up for Halloween parties."

My friend does that and takes shit for it, some valid and some not.
posted by Keyser Soze at 8:42 PM on October 31, 2004

My friend does that and takes shit for it, some valid and some not

Well, by the time I get there, the alcohol will be half gone and everyone will be one hooker short of heaven, so I don't think they'll even be able to tell.
posted by cmonkey at 8:46 PM on October 31, 2004

israelites? Like iraqites? Or pakistanites?
posted by naxosaxur at 8:52 PM on October 31, 2004

posted by Keyser Soze at 9:21 PM on October 31, 2004

15 years ago called, they want their "______ called, they want their ______ back" back.

Metaness... overwhelming....
posted by abcde at 9:28 PM on October 31, 2004

AskMe called. They want their questions back.
posted by IshmaelGraves at 9:37 PM on October 31, 2004

Metaness... overwhelming....

________ . . . ________ . . . . = ??? (2004)
posted by _sirmissalot_ at 10:06 PM on October 31, 2004

Silly wabbit. There are no cool kids. Cool is the new uncool. Uncool is the new black, which was the old disco, which is the new grunge, which was the new John Hughes, who was the new John Waters who was the new Sam Peckinpah who stole the 60's from Brian Wilson, who was the new Duke Ellington who was the next Satchmo who was the latest hot thing when he first started out, and really there was nothing before that except Mozart and Shakespeare and the Borgias and Nero, none of whom mattered on this axis, daddy-o, so now that cool is ultimately the new hot, we can all transcend cool and -- I'm sorry, what stop is this?
posted by chicobangs at 10:37 PM on October 31, 2004

So.. what are you dressed as for halloween chicobangs? I had my party last night.
posted by Keyser Soze at 11:08 PM on October 31, 2004

I waited until the last minute and wound up throwing together an orange troubleshooter (from Paranoia) thing. It sucked. Everybody thought I was an escaped convict or something. With a laser pistol. Dumbasses.
posted by majcher at 11:10 PM on October 31, 2004

Speaking of dated references:

I went to a party last night and met a guy with a nametag that said "Chad" and a noose around his neck. My girlfriend and I both said, Ok, we give up, what are you? Proudly, he said: a "hanging chad". Then he leaned back against a tree with a very self-satisfied expression on his face.

It was all I could do to keep from hitting him over and over with shovel.
posted by dhoyt at 11:43 PM on October 31, 2004

Why, were you costumed as a gardener?
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 11:47 PM on October 31, 2004

I'm a Magic 8-ball this year.

I have a big (8) taped to my back, and I've been swapping triangular cards on my front saying ALL SOURCES POINT TO YES or WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK or SHYEAH, AS IF. Simple.

Tomorrow night is my big night out in costume. Here it was mostly for the few parents in my building who brought their kids around. One kid looked like she was Indira Gandhi, but then I realized she was merely a multicolored ghost with streaks of gray in her hair. I stood there, laughing like an idiot, and no one else got it.
posted by chicobangs at 11:48 PM on October 31, 2004 [1 favorite]

I don't have anywhere to go. Some people were going to have a party, but it never got past planning. Damn stoners.
posted by Pretty_Generic at 3:26 AM on November 1, 2004

I went dressed as Ahmed Chalabi: very good suit, shackled feet, pockets stuffed with fake dollars, Judith Miller photo pinned on my lapel, blood on my hands
posted by matteo at 5:21 AM on November 1, 2004

I'm dressed as God, the God of the Old testament - riding a huge hungry dinosaur that fronts a vast ravening herd of saurians sprung up from bones and clothed in apocalypse, wielding a giant sequoia as a club and a mountain as a bludgeon, lightning bolts springing from his eyes and buna-supercharged gouts of magma from his mouth, type 5 hurricanes whirling to life at his beckon to scour the earth of drive-in churches and the television studios of televangelists who prey on the aged, to lay waste to those who presume to act in his name........

.....and, for good measure, laying waste to pretty much everything (because he is an angry, vengeful God not given to minor discriminations between the wicked, the just, and the innocent) and overlaying ensuing charred, flooded out, corpse strewn flotsam and jetsam - of what was once a great or at least prolific technological civilization - with a neatening overlay of thick mud, and sprinkling seeds for new ground cover and conjuring new flora and fauna from the dust, the mud, and the void - to breathe into them life and give rise to a new age.

On his way out the door, God will casually toss his calling card - as a set of stone tablets engraved with testy warnings such as "I'm giving you one last chance. Don't blow it, or I'll be back. Maybe I'll be back anyway, but much sooner if you make a mess of things like the last time. Keep your nose clean, and don't use my name in vain, ever - God" - towards the mouth of a cave where a small band of humans which has somehow escaped the floods and fires, the winds and plagues of devouring beasts, has huddled in terror. As the winds and thunder die down and the ebbing rains give way to the blessings of rainbows - as they tremulously emerge from their hideaway to peek out at the end of the world they have known and the start of another, they will see a blinding, shifting form - amorphously radiant in terrible beauty - sweep by, and several large stone tablets will arc through the air, crushing several hapless survivors and propelling the rest, shrieking and wailing outwards towards the new age where one day their descendants will mine landfills and garbage heaps for the raw materials from which to build a new civilization.

God's tablets will, lie forgotten at the mouth of the cave, until they crumble to dust, and his word will be forgotten by men and women who will, as is their wont, give rise to a new affront that one day calls God back from duties elsewhere, for another round of creative destruction but - this time - with a new species : dolphins might crawl back on land, or emus grow larger brains and limbs with something like hands. Or perhaps the cephalopods......

posted by mr_crash_davis at 5:21 AM on November 1, 2004

I actually saw three guys dressed as Abu Ghraib's Statue of Liberty, by the way
posted by matteo at 5:23 AM on November 1, 2004

You go through that speech with everyone who asked, Crash?
posted by chicobangs at 5:30 AM on November 1, 2004

He does, with everyone but TroutFishing, who groks the costume right away.
posted by scarabic at 10:05 AM on November 1, 2004

Well, that's ironic amber went as me because I went as a fluffer.
posted by Seth at 2:55 PM on November 1, 2004

Seth In "Not Funny" Shock.
posted by Pretty_Generic at 5:13 PM on November 1, 2004

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