Lofi cold fusion error February 13, 2005 11:19 PM   Subscribe

Lofi is showing a cold fusion error if you are not logged in.
posted by Jim Jones to Bugs at 11:19 PM (15 comments total) 154 users marked this as a favorite

I must be the only one who ever logs out.
posted by Jim Jones at 11:20 PM on February 13, 2005

Ahh, now that this thread has dropped off the front page, I'm free to romp and play and talk to myself till they come to take me awayyyyyyyyy.

They're coming to take me away, ah, ha, they're coming to take me away. Hee, hee. To the funny farm . . .
posted by Jim Jones at 12:51 AM on February 15, 2005 [2 favorites]

Hmm, say JJ, have you seen good tv shows lately? Why, yes, Jim. Now that you mention it, I have seen an excellent Twilight Zone episode that you should watch. Immediately!

To See The Invisible Man
posted by Jim Jones at 12:53 AM on February 15, 2005

"For the crime of emotional coldness, Mitchell Chaplin is condemned to social invisibility. For one year he will be branded with an irremovable brand that everyone knows means they must totally ignore him.

At first, Chaplin is thrilled at the prospects. However, he soon finds he can't pay his rent or gain medical treatment. He tricks a blind man into talking to him, but even then he is thwarted when someone warns the blind man...

At the end of a year, a grateful Chaplin has his brand removed and can re-enter society. However, when he sees another terrified "invisible," he violates the rules of society and comforts her, earning another year of invisibility...but a year he now knows he can handle."

posted by Jim Jones at 1:22 AM on February 15, 2005 [5 favorites]

JJ: I am wondering, how many threads that fall over the front page continue to get comments?

Jim: I don't know but it's a very interesting thought. Let's see how long we can keep this up before someone stumbles across our thread.

JJ: Yes! Excellent suggestion, old man. It'll be like a little soap opera insides a soap opera. Brilliant, just brilliant.

Jim: Well, only thing is, we can't be the first to have thought of this idea. I mean, can we?

JJ: Pish, tosh, old man. Who cares?! Keep going to till the bitter end. That's what I always say. Yes, indeedy.
posted by Jim Jones at 3:34 PM on February 15, 2005 [3 favorites]

Hey Moose!

Yeah, Lisa?

Check this out:

Free! Classified. Ad. Site.

Heh. Those kids.
posted by Jim Jones at 7:58 PM on February 15, 2005

Le Sigh.
posted by Jim Jones at 1:05 PM on February 19, 2005

This page is not my personal weblog. That said, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that the newest pony seems like a very cool idea; but, although much requested, it too will have its share of issues in the not too distant future.

I just want this prediction recorded so that I can be appropriately hailed as the New Nostradamus.

http://metatalk.metafilter.com/mefi/9099 (flag comments!)
posted by Jim Jones at 1:46 AM on February 20, 2005

Ya know, JJ,

Yes Jim?

Thirty days is an awfully long time to hang out in a thread. I'm going to be way bored with this long before it gets archived.
posted by Jim Jones at 2:11 AM on February 20, 2005

posted by Jim Jones at 5:45 AM on February 25, 2005

Ah, looks like there's now a cold fusion error for the mefi front page, as well. Hmm, somebody doesn't like guests.
posted by Jim Jones at 10:15 AM on February 25, 2005

I found Office Space to be rather boring and overrated.
posted by Jim Jones at 6:55 PM on March 2, 2005

#mefi = bunch of fucking wankers

#mefi = bunch of fucking wankers

#mefi = bunch of fucking wankers

#mefi = bunch of fucking wankers

posted by Jim Jones at 12:19 AM on March 4, 2005 [28 favorites]

caddis, if you ever see this: apology accepted.
* * *

I can't seem to get Dean Martin out of my head.
Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano, hey mambo . . .

He and Frank do this amazing tune called Mack the Knife. It's fantastic. A quick search shows that Ella Fitzgerald and Bobby Darin apparently sang it as well. Hmm, I'd love to hear those versions.

On the sidewalk, one Sunday mornin'
Lies a body oozin' life
Someone's sneaking 'round the corner
Could that someone, perhaps, perchance, be Mack the Knife?

From a tugboat on the river goin' slow
A cement bag, it is dropping down
Yeah, the cement is just for the weight, dear
You can make a large bet Macheath is back in town

You've got to hear it. Lyrics don't do the song justice.
posted by Jim Jones at 12:45 AM on March 12, 2005

I wonder what will happen to lofi when the new design goes live? I'd like to think that I'd be able to see lofi without logging in but I'm not holding my breath. Goddamnit that's annoying!
posted by Jim Jones at 12:47 AM on March 12, 2005

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