117 posts tagged with metafilterhistory.
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Talking with ChatGPT about Metafilter

While experimenting with ChatGPT, I decided to ask it questions about Metafilter. It was mildly interesting, occasionally amusing, but mostly a bit dry with its verbose responses as a machine. Text of 'conversation' posted in this here Google doc.
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jan 27, 2023 - 17 comments

What do you know now that you didn't know before MetaFilter?

Checking in a decade later. [more inside]
posted by bendy on Sep 20, 2021 - 81 comments

Two new mods: welcome to travelingthyme and loup!

Please give a hearty hello to our newly-hired members of the MetaFilter moderation team: travelingthyme and loup! I'll let them introduce themselves a bit below, but I wanted to let folks know that they'll both be working part-time as of now so you can expect to see their names around the site. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 1, 2020 - 218 comments

MetaFilter revenue update: holy cow, y'all!

Recently, I announced that MetaFilter was in serious financial trouble, and asked you to help with additional community funding of the site.

Y'all have really, really come through. Recurring contributions supporting the site are up by almost $10,000 a month and growing, erasing our current shortfall and helping move MetaFilter toward a more sustainable, independent revenue model. Community funding alone now covers very nearly half our operating budget. That's amazing.

Come on in and I'll give you the details on what's happened and what we're up to next. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 28, 2018 - 157 comments

State of the Site: Metafilter financial update and future directions

Important site updates, folks:

1. The site is running at a significant deficit and we urgently need to make that up. Part of that is through additional direct community funding; you can help here.
2. We're looking at—and inviting community input on—several big-picture questions.

Today I want to lay out our budget and income streams, to explain where we're at and what we need to accomplish. I'll also talk a bit about how the community is doing, and what's coming up in the future. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Jun 13, 2018 - 1002 comments

Examples of MetaFilter used as a platform for creative writing?

Are there any good examples of Mefites using MetaFilter threads as a space for creative writing? One example might be scarabic's infamous how to dispose of a body comment. I don't mean hoax posts, which aren't intended as "fiction".
posted by dontjumplarry on Jul 26, 2016 - 57 comments

I believe the gift for this anniversary is unobtanium

Congratulations to byanyothername and to MetaFilter on the occasion of the 150,000th post. Previously.
posted by Horace Rumpole on May 28, 2015 - 31 comments

One last chance to be moderated by Matt: feel free to be extreme.

So, mathowie, you are still with us for one last night, as a so-called moderator. Interesting. Beguiling, even. Show us then: what are the uncouthnesses, insubordinations and downright fripperies up with which you will not put, while you are still in power?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Mar 6, 2015 - 615 comments

Sixteen Years

After 16 years of doing a bit of everything under the sun here, I’m stepping away from the day to day of running MetaFilter and moving into the background. Never fear, I’m leaving it in the best of hands and things are looking good for the future. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Mar 4, 2015 - 945 comments

Help Fund MetaFilter

We've set up an official fundraising/​contributing/​support page here, and are now tracking the number of people signing on as monthly supporters. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 21, 2014 - 1127 comments

Where I'm off to

Wanted to let people know that while I'll continue to be hanging around here like I've always been, I'll be taking a (small) job at the Internet Archive being the support person and the user/tech liaison for Open Library. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on May 20, 2014 - 254 comments

State of MetaFilter

Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 19, 2014 - 1668 comments

New subsite beta (alpha?): FanFare

On the heels of the previous MeFiTV thread as well as internal discussions about how we could someday do a site around entertainment in general, we're ready to open up a small beta test of what discussions around episodic TV might look like at FanFare. [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Apr 16, 2014 - 1290 comments

Did you try the medicine drug?

Someone made robocop is bleeding's infamous generic House script into a gif.
posted by bobobox on Sep 14, 2013 - 137 comments

Is there something to record where I've been?

I often read threads without commenting and thus they don't show up in recent activity. Is there a greasemonkey/firefox plugin that can show me which threads I have read and record my place in them - other than opening history up every time?
posted by marienbad on Feb 12, 2013 - 33 comments

What's the meetup record?

There are three (1, 2, 3) NYC meetups scheduled for next Saturday. Is that the same-day same-city record? [more inside]
posted by Jahaza on Oct 11, 2012 - 34 comments

New Mod Monday

It's New Mod Monday! (actually they'll filter in over the next two weeks, but anyway ...semantics!) [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Oct 1, 2012 - 202 comments

All your cats are belong to MeFi

This month's Wired Magazine features an article about teh intarwebz fascination with cats, and the first entry in its "Invasion of the teh Kittehs" timeline credits MeFi! [more inside]
posted by radioamy on Aug 21, 2012 - 51 comments

THIS Is when it starts to get awkward? Oh my....

Welcome to your teenage years, MetaFilter! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jul 14, 2012 - 195 comments

Why MetaFilter is Awesome

Why MetaFilter is Awesome And Why the World Needs to Know [more inside]
posted by hat_eater on Jun 16, 2011 - 73 comments


Congratulations to the MetaFilter community for 100,000 posts.
posted by ColdChef on Jan 28, 2011 - 72 comments

The 7th anniversary is the desk set anniversary....

Happy birthday and 10,000th Anonymous post Ask MetaFilter! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Dec 12, 2010 - 46 comments

Fin de Siècle Metafilter

What was Metafilter like at the turn of the century? Is it substantially different now? Do you have a favorite era or year of Metafilter?
posted by xod on Jun 21, 2010 - 165 comments

The kindness of strangers

This post is an example of why I am so proud to call myself a MeFite. [more inside]
posted by jbickers on May 20, 2010 - 1344 comments

MeFites were right - it was a hoax

Anyone remember this thread about Dan "Blitz" Krieg who suffered a freak accident and then perished from MRSA? [more inside]
posted by Oriole Adams on Nov 17, 2009 - 141 comments

Should the profiles of deceased MeFites be preserved?

When an account is disabled, all the profile information disappears. Might it be better to preserve the information when the account is disabled due to the owner's death? [more inside]
posted by Faint of Butt on Jul 16, 2009 - 83 comments

Bringin' it old-school.

Birthday thoughts from an old-timer. [more inside]
posted by solistrato on Jul 15, 2009 - 82 comments

He ain't Ralph.

Someone to whom I am not married to has linked me in Contacts using the descriptor "Spouse." What recourse do I have? [more inside]
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies on Jun 16, 2009 - 1419 comments

MetaFilter in the Ruins

"Nuclear warheads launched from North Korea, Iraq, China, Iran, U.S., Pakistan, India, and France have all but destroyed 22 of the world’s 50 largest cities." [more inside]
posted by cashman on Apr 14, 2009 - 83 comments


Whilst that was the lamest video I've ever sat through, you did point us to a pretty decent website of time-wasting videos. [more inside]
posted by Horace Rumpole on Mar 6, 2009 - 19 comments

What is the story of Metafilter?

Imho this question didn't feel like it was "askMefi" so here goes. I'm observing how groups/communities form organically or virally online around common values/goals/whatever and I wonder if there's ever been a discussion, thread, study etc done on Metafilter's beginnings, how it grew etc? Any thoughts, stories, anecdotes?
posted by infini on Aug 12, 2008 - 72 comments

MetaFilter History

Is there interesting MetaFilter history that newcomers wouldn't know about, but might find interesting? [more inside]
posted by SpacemanStix on Mar 16, 2008 - 106 comments

valerie flame

all-time favorite flamewars in the blue? [more inside]
posted by yonation on Feb 21, 2008 - 9 comments


The shadowy back alleys of MetaFilter... [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Jan 12, 2008 - 122 comments

New login system, finally!

We've finally finished a several month long project today by reworking the back end of Metafilter to bring site security practices up to date. The new login system we were testing yesterday is now live for everyone. And you can even change your password now, after 8 years of everyone asking! [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Nov 29, 2007 - 74 comments

Oh boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a MeFite!

Today on BoingBoing TV: MeFi's own Greg Nog asks Simpsons director David Silverman: " Does Ralph mean he dreams of being being a literal viking when he sleeps, or does he use "viking" as an absurd way of saying that he excels at the act of sleeping?" [more inside]
posted by arcticwoman on Oct 25, 2007 - 67 comments

MarkovFilter: Lemme see if any American supermarkets have taken in this stuff to decorate my dorm room.

Allow me to properly introduce you to MarkovFilter. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Sep 11, 2007 - 343 comments

More Inside? You bet.

More inside everywhere! [more inside]
posted by pb on Sep 6, 2007 - 45 comments

Be safe and smart!

Our own fandango_matt, of Metafilter design contest and multiple pissing elephant fame, has come up with his own Boy Scout inspired Metafilter safety guide.
posted by Krrrlson on Jul 16, 2007 - 184 comments


What's the origin of the term "eponysterical"?
posted by misha on Jun 19, 2007 - 85 comments

Follow up to "Vienna phonebook thread"

FYI: Remember the "Vienna phonebook thread"? The archival collection we used to find all that information is (finally) being opened to the public with a presentation tomorrow afternoon here at the Holocaust Museum in Washington.
posted by arco on Jun 6, 2007 - 11 comments

I'm really not trying to be glib

I know this is a private website, where the administrator has a strong interest in avoiding litigation by celebrities, but what I saw happen in the last hour or so is just creepy.
posted by jayder on Mar 12, 2007 - 114 comments

The Green Should Be White

Ask MetaFilter should default to a white background for new users and those not logged in.
posted by anildash on Mar 5, 2007 - 514 comments

Great answers are great!

Which AskMefi questions have elicited great responses or answers - the sort that just perfectly answer the question, or those where what seems like a long shot is serendipitously answered by the perfect person? Looking at the "metafilterhistory" tag, I found this and this, but are there others?
posted by divabat on Jan 17, 2007 - 49 comments

B-E S-U-R-E T-O D-R-I-N-K Y-O-U-R O-V-A-L-T-I-N-E: A resolution of a mystery site

To follow up the intense mystery of this AskMe, a resolution at last. Well. Um, see for yourself [flash]. from here
posted by thirteenkiller on Nov 14, 2006 - 67 comments

Don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about

So I solved this problem, based on the help given by a few members, who I'm very grateful for. But was it really necessary for a load of people to come into the thread in the meantime and tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about?
posted by reklaw on Oct 26, 2006 - 175 comments

nominate threads you thought had an impact on MeFi culture and history here.

I just noticed that we have a metafilterhistory tag. This, dear admins, is a brilliant idea, and was a great walk down memory lane. We have cameras, indeed. I was wondering, perhaps, if people wanted to nominate threads they thought had an impact on MeFi culture and history here.
posted by John Kenneth Fisher on Oct 15, 2006 - 89 comments

Sometimes I just love this place.

Sometimes I just love this place.
posted by Floydd on Oct 3, 2006 - 81 comments

Cortex comes through, again!


cortex comes through, again.

posted by yhbc on Aug 30, 2006 - 90 comments

An update on MiHail memorial donations.

An update on MiHail memorial donations.
posted by arse_hat on Jul 2, 2006 - 6 comments

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