June 2023 Archives (all archives)
June 30
CamelCase reminder for tagging new posts?
Relatively small request: Can we change the text above the Tags field when making new posts so that it encourages using CamelCase when combining multiple words into one tag, to help members with visual impairments who use screenreaders? For instance, changing the example in the text "searchengine" to "SearchEngine"? This will help screenreading software better parse the meaning of the tag. [more inside]
June 29
FanFare AutoBoost thought for your consideration
How about adding a 'trigger' that moves a movie to the top of the page when it goes to streaming. And other "life events" in the career of any particular media. Perhaps when a book is turned into another form (see Like Water for Chocolate ballet) which is also a film, (hmm needs an opera:)
The easiest initial implementation would be a place to insert a release date for theater->streaming, not sure how to auto-populate but we can research that. Mostly for blockbusters but that does seem to be a preponderance of films on the lavender.
June 24
Metatalktail Hour: Animal Facts
The Monterey Bay Aquarium is closing out Pride Month by texting queer ocean and sealife facts to anyone who signs up. (Join by texting MBAPRIDE to 844.786.2927. Please be prepared for puns and GIFs.)
What's an animal fact you would like to share? Note that anecdotes about your pets or local wildlife count as facts for purposes of this chat! [more inside]
June 23
Italicization is significant (again).
Should the search results pages' excerpts reflect the italicization of the original comments? [more inside]
June 21
[MeFi Site Update] June 21st
Hi there, MetaFilter!
Happy Solstice and welcome to your monthly Site Update! The last update can be found here. You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions.
Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions. [more inside]
Happy Solstice and welcome to your monthly Site Update! The last update can be found here. You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions.
Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions. [more inside]
June 14
What Should We Learn from Reddit?
It seems obvious from site activity over the beginning of the week that much of the reduction in participation here is due to attrition to reddit. I am hoping to have a friendly thread about what people LIKE about reddit and what it gets right that MetaFilter could learn from. We’ve had plenty of threads about what people don’t like about Reddit, and I ask that people respectfully understand that’s not the purpose of this thread. Lots of mefites are back for the first time in a long time, and it’s wonderful! What can we tweak so that we become Internet Home again? The increased activity on the front page has been invigorating.
June 10
Global BIPOC Board Meeting #16 Minutes
MetaFilter's Global BIPOC Board has made the decision to publish meeting minutes in the form of a MetaTalk to improve visibility and increase the speed at which minutes are shared publicly! Minutes will continue to be uploaded to the board landing page as well in the form of a PDF. Thanks for reading. [more inside]
Global BIPOC Board Meeting #15 Minutes
MetaFilter's Global BIPOC Board has made the decision to publish meeting minutes in the form of a MetaTalk to improve visibility and increase the speed at which minutes are shared publicly! Minutes will continue to be uploaded to the board landing page as well in the form of a PDF. Thanks for reading. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Don't Yum My Yuck
What book/movie/song/art/etc. are you fully incapable of containing your unhinged rants about? Please come in and vent about the thing! [more inside]
June 3
Metatalktail Hour: Weird work shifts
Hello all!
At my current job, I am on call this week which they define as "work 40, plus any pages that come in after hours." It's actually not as bad as it sounds. But, since it has me up late at night for no good reason, what's your story about a weird/long/exhausting work schedule? Or the best work schedule you have had that would seem odd to someone who is used to a regular 9-5? Or... whatever! [more inside]