Most Favorited Posts in the Past 7 Days:
Don’t be a hoser*, eh?
Although many tariffs are again delayed, the political landscape has been shifted by Donald Trump and Canadians and Americans uneasily find themselves on opposite sides of a border that is, economically at the least and potentially existentially under threat. If this week’s tariff thread is any indication, this fracture can lead to differences in opinion and sentiment – new and old – flaring up on the site. This post is from a Canadian perspective – one, because there are many of course. Hoping it may help to express a minority (8% of all traffic) perspective and also have some discourse. This is NOT a policy or mod ask. All opinions my own.
Is it time to revisit favorites?
I want to suggest that we consider decoupling bookmarks from favorites. I very frequently want to favorite a comment to show my support or agreement, but I have stopped using favorites because I do not want to bookmark hundreds of comments that I appreciated but do not need to revisit.
New Site Ready for Beta Testing
The beta version of the new site is ready for testing. See lots of notes inside.
Could Fanfare posts be decoupled from their posters?
Currently, if somebody deletes their account, their Fanfare posts are also deleted. We have no idea how many books, movies, etc. had fanfare posts that have now disappeared. What if, in the new site, when you wanted to make a Fanfare post, the post itself was associated with a dedicated user (maybe "The Opener"), populated with some standard description from some API when possible, and your own thoughts went in your own comment?
New Site Update 10 March
Update on the beta version of the new site. See notes inside.
mods deleting posts at user request
this is a meta to discuss the practice of mods deleting comments that don't break guidelines, but receive pushback after the fact, solely due to the original commenter coming back and saying "please delete my comment."
On Jews and their Comments
So Joe from Australia posted this comment in the Nazi punching thread. The crux of it was a link called Solidarity is for Goyim, in which the author argues that Jews have not received the same sort of support from the left as other Jews, despite the very visible rise of antisemitism.
Israel Palestine posts
With enormous compassion and respect for the work of moderators on this site, and an understanding that the intent is to avoid polarizing and exhausting debate, I want to ask that we consider the impact of the defacto policy of deleting almost all posts that relate to Palestine and/or Israel.
WTF did I just see?!
kanuck posted some straight-up blackpill content on the front page. It's still up. I've flagged the post with a note for the mods, but how can we as a community respond more assertively to blatant misogyny that's "well packaged"?
Board elections timeline
When will elections for permanent board members for the MetaFilter Community Foundation take place?
Sexism: not just for "young girls" anymore
Are the only problems with this comment the ones described in this mod note? Would it be better if it said "women"? The community deserves clarity in rules, not to wonder if mods are worried users are thinking of "immoral actions" (what?). Why wasn't this just deleted for being objectifying, rather than left standing with a mod note that doesn't seem to align with the existing guidelines?