Posts with Recent Comments
Regular and semi-regular MeFi clubs?
Hey, with the recent MeTa about the Card Club, I was reminded that there are a number of member run activities and events, but there is no list of them. So I'm going to put together a FAQ entry about the member related MeFi clubs and activities with the following information for each club:
Name of club/activity
Contact Person
Premise of club/activity
How often/when the club/activity occurs
For those who do run these activities, thank you! Please chime in if you have any special instructions or corrections and I'll include them in the FAQ entry/listing.
For anyone who wants to help with compiling this information, let me know, we can do it in Google docs.
Revisiting posts that disappear from the MeTa queue
Brandon Blatcher said, in February, that
Since December 24, 2024, the queue has been operating under the premise of just push anything through that isn't hugely fighty.However, there are at least two MeTa posts just in the last month which have vanished into thin air. I'm not sure what the earlier one was, because the person who wanted to post it has apparently wiped their account, but it is referenced in my comment here. The second is a MeTa which Violet Blue apparently made. Now, it's possible that both of these MeTas were in fact "hugely fighty", but there is no evidence of that. Most of the people who post on the Grey (certainly including me) already have less than zero trust in the moderators' judgment by this point, and failing to live up to assurances that you made not even six weeks ago only serves to further erode the possibility of ever trusting it again. What can be done about this, both in the case of the specific posts which were disallowed and in general?
Let's talk about the BIPOC board.
I've been interested in the BIPOC board since they were an idea here in metatalk about three or four years ago. I've read all their minutes. I don't see much evidence of their continued existence and I'd like to know what people here think about that.
There is a link at the bottom of every metafilter page that links to the BIPOC board page, where their minutes are.
MeFi post request ? Kinda?
As a someone not American, who does not live in America, I feel vastly under skilled / situated to make a post about the current Presidents (Trump) recent Executive Order that focuses on Library Funding.
Seed Swap—Anyone Interested?
Spring is here, and I’ve been thinking about starting a seed swap!
A moderation log, general info page, and site update note
Just posting several short notes since a page that we were creating was accidently made public a little early and discovered, so we're gonna talk about 3 specific things.
What rhymes with “Election”? Calling all Mefite poets!
In these turbulent times, we literate few (who voluntarily inhabit a non-threaded text-only 20-year-old website that doesn’t use algorithms) cry out for the solid comforts of Fine Poetry to unify us and soothe our collective fevered brow. In short, fellow Mefites, we need a Poet Laureate (Pro Tempore*).
+++This is the Poet Laureate (Pro Tempore) Election Thread+++
Two delightful MeFi cards arrived today!
Card club, let's chat about the cards we're receiving!
New Site Update 10 March
Update on the beta version of the new site. See notes inside.
Is it time to revisit favorites?
I want to suggest that we consider decoupling bookmarks from favorites. I very frequently want to favorite a comment to show my support or agreement, but I have stopped using favorites because I do not want to bookmark hundreds of comments that I appreciated but do not need to revisit.
Don’t be a hoser*, eh?
Although many tariffs are again delayed, the political landscape has been shifted by Donald Trump and Canadians and Americans uneasily find themselves on opposite sides of a border that is, economically at the least and potentially existentially under threat. If this week’s tariff thread is any indication, this fracture can lead to differences in opinion and sentiment – new and old – flaring up on the site. This post is from a Canadian perspective – one, because there are many of course. Hoping it may help to express a minority (8% of all traffic) perspective and also have some discourse. This is NOT a policy or mod ask. All opinions my own.
Moderation Log
The new site should have a moderation log from day one.
Time to remove Facebook social sharing?
The "social sharing" option on posts (the single little icon off to the right if you haven't turned them off in your preferences) was first added in 2011, with Twitter and Facebook. Twitter was removed in September 2023. I think, given everything, we should also remove the Facebook option. And in general I'd prefer to have zero than one, no matter what the "one" site is. I don't have a strong opinion about what sites, if any, should be there. But perhaps we could come up with a consensus on two or three new options. (I've had some small discussions with the admins about this and they suggested a MeTa post to discuss.)
Board elections timeline
When will elections for permanent board members for the MetaFilter Community Foundation take place?
Idea for IRL Posts - Political Actions!
Just had a thought - how about adding a new type of activity to the IRL tab, alerting people to different local political activism opportunities (rallies, demonstrations, postcard-writing campaigns, etc.)?
mods deleting posts at user request
this is a meta to discuss the practice of mods deleting comments that don't break guidelines, but receive pushback after the fact, solely due to the original commenter coming back and saying "please delete my comment."
[MeFi Site Update] February 2025
Could Fanfare posts be decoupled from their posters?
Currently, if somebody deletes their account, their Fanfare posts are also deleted. We have no idea how many books, movies, etc. had fanfare posts that have now disappeared. What if, in the new site, when you wanted to make a Fanfare post, the post itself was associated with a dedicated user (maybe "The Opener"), populated with some standard description from some API when possible, and your own thoughts went in your own comment?
Do replies need a character limit?
Just because your reply has a lot of characters, that doesn't mean you have character, am I right. Okay.
New Site Ready for Beta Testing
The beta version of the new site is ready for testing. See lots of notes inside.