52 posts tagged with Askme and questions.
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Still wondering after all these years
What AskMe of yours are you still curious about? What was never resolved? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Unrequited Ask
From Bklyn wants to know, "How about questions you have asked in ask-me, but never got an answer to? Either because no one knew or you didn't formulate your question right - and maybe later you found out the answer?" [more inside]
AskMe mentioned in WaPo
Caitlyn Gibson's Washington Post article "Hereafter" discusses two couples who decided to have children despite a cancer diagnosis. The author mentions MeFi here:
Buried in the digital archives of MetaFilter, an online message board that predated Reddit, is a question posed by an anonymous husband in 2010; he explained that his wife had been treated for an aggressive brain tumor, but they desperately wanted to be parents, and he wondered whether having a child was a wise or ethical choice. Hundreds* of replies unspooled below his post, passionately voicing every imaginable viewpoint:*"Hundreds" being eighty-eight, but who's counting?
“You’re in for a world of trouble if you do it. But it may be the thing that you need to do.”
“Having lost a mother to cancer ... I do think it is selfish to knowingly bring a child into the world knowing full well that the child will have to watch one of its parents die, and then grow up without them.”
“As someone whose father died when I was eight, I think you should do it.”
Trying out two Ask MetaFilter questions per week!
We had a discussion earlier this year about allowing two Ask MetaFilter questions per week, and I think it's worth a shot. Today we're rolling it out, and we'll see how it goes. [more inside]
Witness the power of a fully operational hivemind
Ask Metafilter, the internet's go-to source for sane, competent advice and information, reached its 300,000th question this week. (Previously, 200,000 and 100,000.)
Job interview questions on AskMe
I'm curious. What motivates people to give advice on job interview questions? I saw a recent question where the asker was looking for specific ideas to help them deliver a killer presentation in order to land the job of their dreams.
Surely, if your advice to the asker is helpful and causes the person to land the job, you're also crushing the dreams of the person who would otherwise have got it had you not helped the Mefite (someone who, perhaps, was going into the interview using all their own ideas, without help of the hive mind)? Is it just tribalism that we prefer the Mefite over the unseen non-Mefite?
How to delete your previous questions within AskMeFi
How to delete your previous questions within metafilter or AskMeFi? If you can't delete, why not and do they stay online forever?
The Cabal just lost Doc Marten
I've been noticing basically the same question posted repeatedly on AskMe, "Please recommend some comfy walking shoes for me." [more inside]
Perhaps the AskMetafilter question form should point out that the title of the post does not appear on the front page? [more inside]
You have many questions, Mr. Sparkle.
I'm a prolific AskMe user, but I think I'm doing it wrong. [more inside]
BTW: I am a cat
What are some of AskMe's fastest, most amazing success stories?
The sidebar (see Apr 12) featured this post, in which someone's seemingly obscure question was answered in just six minutes. I think MY experience was even more amazing (as my question was more obscure), though it did take Gator an hour and ten minutes to cough up an answer. What are some other AskMe Astounding Stories of Snappy Answers to Obscure Questions?
A study in Q&A sites
A study in Q&A sites: Ask Metafilter's "Why do some people wear shoes indoors?" versus Quora's "Do real Americans wear shoes indoors as portrayed in sitcom TV shows?" and its follow-on "In which North American locales is it more common to take off one's shoes when entering a home? In which is it more prevalent to leave them on?" [more inside]
Mother, she not like the boom
In case you didn't know, a hilarious, amazing AskMe about a mysterious Christmas Letter has inspired a strange, oddly addictive song on MetaMusic. That is all.
Thousands of moderators
Facebook has an open position for a Questions Community Manager. The text itself is pretty fascinating with superlatives like"anything you can dream up", "thousands of moderators" and "the full resources of Facebook at your disposal". I obviously thought about AskMe and Jessamyn, and she agreed it was an interesting Meta post.
Knowing that communities start from the ground up, I am especially interested in thoughts about how such a gigantic operation can be handled, if it can at all. [more inside]
Please Hope Me Not Fail at Life
I've been really enjoying "lifehack"-type AskMe posts lately - questions about how to change one's own habits to be better at day-to-day life situations and challenges (How do I become one of those people who makes everyone they talk to feel great? from Chrysalis is a good new one). What are some of your favorites? [more inside]
Who asks the most interesting questions?
InfoDump Analysis Request. Who asks the most interesting questions in AskMe? [more inside]
Let's all use and follow the "identify" tag in AskMe
Suggestion for community adoption of a particular AskMe tag? [more inside]
I've got some questions...
FeatureRequest: AskMeFi question queue? [more inside]
All's well that ends well?
Many ask.metafilter questions don't have an "end" to the story. Which questions are you most curious about how they ended?
People need to chill out on this AskMe Poster
Question queue?
How about a question queue? [more inside]
Queuing questions.
From time to time, after asking a question in AskMefi, I get a great question but forget about it because of the waiting period. I'm not questioning this rule, but it would be nice to have the possibility to create a certain number of questions in advance, and put them in some sort of queue, so one will not forgot to ask some good question.
travel laziness
This might be a better suggestion for the upcoming Travel site, but is it appropriate to suggest to people before they post looking for things to do in a new city, that they:
A) Tell us as much about themselves as possible,
B) Have perused all the previous threads relating to that city? (more inside)
Bears, baby. All the way, bears.
This is a great freakin question. I'd just like to use it to once more point out that we really should be able to reopen this discussion for a more full, rounded finalization.
Rollover questions? $5 per question? Pony?
God help me, but I'm starting a thread on getting additional AskMe questions. There are weeks that go by with no need to ask anything ... but then there are times when a second question would be a life-saver. Whatabout either (a) "rollover questions," a la Cingular's rollover minutes, say, up to a maximum of 2-3 in the bank at any time; or (b) a fee to ask a second question in one week?
I can think of several times when I would have ponied up an additional $5 to ask, say, a work-related question where I knew AskMe's community would have the best answer.
When is the best time to ask?
Do we have any data about what the best time of day is to ask an AskMe?
Maybe even sliced and diced by tag or geography of respondant? Like, say I had a question about American law, when would be the best time of day (perhaps through some proxy measure like more responses is better, but maybe it could be smarter and be based on favorites or checked answers) to post it? Posts made around 1am Central might not be ideal cause they may slide off the page by mid morning, right? And they may be less interesting to Euros or Asians who are reading.
(Sorry, but I don't know how to do a more inside)
The two-week waiting period
In which I posit that the two-week waiting period has had no impact on the volume of questions.
Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?
I'd love to help you name your cat, and I'd love to help you name your baked goods. BUT - Please avoid "help me name my kitten/computer/website" and "help me make a mix CD" questions. Why do we want to avoid these kind of questions? Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?
AskMe questions popping up on The Vine.
Looks like our answers to anonymous just don't hack it: The second question on "The Vine", seems remarkably similar to this question, on AskMe.
Though, I have to wonder: I understand the desire for a second opinion, or maybe a third, possibly even a fourth, but what makes you think "Yeah, sure, I got 75 answers the last time I asked this, but I think I need to get a 76th opinion."
Note: There's no permalink on The Vine, so I have no idea when the question will scroll off into the archive, replaced by a new second question that renders this post incomprehensible. Sorry.
Note: this is not a callout or complaint, just something I found interesting and MetaFilter related
Though, I have to wonder: I understand the desire for a second opinion, or maybe a third, possibly even a fourth, but what makes you think "Yeah, sure, I got 75 answers the last time I asked this, but I think I need to get a 76th opinion."
Note: There's no permalink on The Vine, so I have no idea when the question will scroll off into the archive, replaced by a new second question that renders this post incomprehensible. Sorry.
Note: this is not a callout or complaint, just something I found interesting and MetaFilter related
Too many gift questions in askme
At the risk of being a scrooge, is there any way at all to curtail xmas gift askme? I know everyone needs special unique gifts for all the special unique snowflakes in their lives, none of whom resemble in any way the recipients other people need to buy gifts for, but it doesn't add a great deal of value to the site as a whole and we've got another month or so of questions like this ahead of us...
Ways to improve the chances of getting good answers to AskMe questions.
Ways to improve the chances of getting good answers to your askMefi questions.
Request: a way to mark our questions as resolved.
I'd love to see a "conclusion" feature to many of the askme questions. For instance, even if it's months later, I could go into a question I asked and mark it "concluded" and give a quick summary of what happened when I followed the advice.
Once someone marks something "concluded" it would go to its own "conclusions" RSS feed, which we could subscribe to if we want to know "the rest of the story" on many of the questions asked.
Once someone marks something "concluded" it would go to its own "conclusions" RSS feed, which we could subscribe to if we want to know "the rest of the story" on many of the questions asked.
Joshua's quest continues.
Joshua's quest for money continues as he sells a Playstation on eBay, ships it to Nigeria, and doesn't get the money first. Click here for more of Joshuak's saga.
Dealing with illegal questions on AskMe
Do we need a note on the AskMe "post a question" page that says "Please don't ask for advice on how to do something illegal"?
Can we single out unanswered questions on AskMe?
As I watched my somewhat difficult and obscure question move unanswered onto the second page of AskMeFi today, I wondered aloud: "We have a filter for those marked best answer and one for fantastic topics, why not one for 'Stumped' that no one answers"? Or are there not enough unanswered questions?
I imagine the author of the question would have to mark whether an answer had been reached or not, and unanswerable questions like "Why does God allow suffering?" could be flagged and removed from the 'Stumped' category.
Is such a thing possible? Desireable?
I imagine the author of the question would have to mark whether an answer had been reached or not, and unanswerable questions like "Why does God allow suffering?" could be flagged and removed from the 'Stumped' category.
Is such a thing possible? Desireable?
Is this questions creepy and/or offensive?
2 questions, 1 week
Hi, I'm working on a pro bono asylum case and I need a NYC-area translator for Fulani/Pular, a dialect of Guinea. We've tried the available services without much luck and I thought as a last ditch attempt, to try askmefi. However, I asked a question last week (before this translator thing had really become an issue). Would it be possible to post a second question? I can promise not to ask a question next week.
How many questions is too many for posting on MeFi?
How many questions is too many for posting on MeFi?
Hi, my name is x, and I'm a MeFi Addict ('hi x!').
yes, it's come to the point in my life where I turn to this site because I know it'll have links/commentary on a variety of issues. I know if I post a question someone will inevitably have a good answer... the question is, what's the ratio of questions I should ask to questions I should answer? If I ask a question, is there some sort of karmic payback I should perform - i.e. try answering a few questions in return? I certainly don't want to seem like I'm a lazy person here. I honestly come after I've done a bit of research - honest!
Just curious - or is this too meta perhaps? I don't want to outstay my $5 welcome... although if a certain site owner had a donation button that might help me sort out my karm ;)
Hi, my name is x, and I'm a MeFi Addict ('hi x!').
yes, it's come to the point in my life where I turn to this site because I know it'll have links/commentary on a variety of issues. I know if I post a question someone will inevitably have a good answer... the question is, what's the ratio of questions I should ask to questions I should answer? If I ask a question, is there some sort of karmic payback I should perform - i.e. try answering a few questions in return? I certainly don't want to seem like I'm a lazy person here. I honestly come after I've done a bit of research - honest!
Just curious - or is this too meta perhaps? I don't want to outstay my $5 welcome... although if a certain site owner had a donation button that might help me sort out my karm ;)
multiple questions in one post
AskMe etiquette: multiple questions in one post, if they're all related (more inside)?
Should incomplete questions be deleted?
Regarding ask metafitler similar to this one, where people don't give a fuller picture to their question/problem/situation: maybe they should be deleted? If a person isn't willing to be open about the things, why should metatime be spent on it?
What questions work the best with Askme? Worst?
Ask.Meta Question askers/answerers.
What does Ask.metalk work really well with? What does it suck with?
What does Ask.metalk work really well with? What does it suck with?
Why Medical Questions?
Last week, SpecialK wondered aloud on MeTa, "Why do people keep asking medical questions on AskMe?". Here's a Pew Research report that talks about how and why people look for health information online. Also see Eszter Hargittai's Crooked Timber post on this study and another, along with her other posts and writings. (I posted here because it's too narrow-interest for MeFi and is in reponse to an AskMe etiquette question. Also, it's not bitching or a callout.)
Is it ever ok in askmefi to ask a related question in the comments of a question?
Is it ever ok in askmefi to ask a related question in the comments of a question?
askme medical questions
Criminy! We need a way to flag askMe posts as: Go to a doctor, goofball!
You don't have a 'right' to post anywhere
Sigh. . . [+]
It's not about the links
In AskMe, the button shouldn't say Preview the Link, it should say Preview the Question.
will there ever be an anonymous way to ask questions?
Stet's question reminds me: will there ever be an anonymous way to ask questions? I'm sure there are lots of people out there with things to ask that they don't want brought up when they're running for office...
Ask Metafilter update from mathowie 6/14/06
Ask Mefi update: all the questions and answers are in a new database, meaning that new features will be coming soon. First up will be links to all questions and answers on your user page, probably done tonight. Then categories, keywords, and all sorts of cool shit. Let me know if you find any errors in the meantime.
Askme posts disappearing rapidly off the front page
AskMe threads are disappearing off the front page at high speed as floods of new questions come in. It seems to me that a good many questions could have been answered had the question-asker put a bit more effort into googling. What are we to do?
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