6 posts tagged with Best and bestanswer.
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I know, we aren't Digg. Or Yahoo Answers. Or Fluther. But I'm curious.

So I had this crazy idea while surfing the internet in my apartment with no other living soul except my cats who are currently attempting to bridge the gap between sleep and suspended animation. [more inside]
posted by theichibun on Apr 22, 2010 - 82 comments

Check for Ticks: Direct linking to best answers

When an AskMe question has a comment marked as a best answer, a little tick/check appears next to the post on the front page. What do people think about making that tick a link to the first best answer comment?
posted by zamboni on Oct 27, 2008 - 40 comments

These are a few of my favorited things...

Just curious about something... when someone answers an AskMe question and it gets marked as one of the best answers, shouldn't that also count for them as being favorited by someone? Or... no?
posted by miss lynnster on Mar 20, 2007 - 38 comments

I just can't decide!

Being able to mark a best answer in AskMe is very useful. However, what are you supposed to do when you just can't decide which one is best?
posted by The Pusher Robot on Feb 19, 2006 - 26 comments

Askme tag/best answer collision

In AskMetafilter, if the tags box extends into a highlighted "best answer" box, the two collide instead of readjusting for each other. This includes a text wrap-around. I demand perfection down to the pixel.
posted by geoff. on Jan 6, 2006 - 3 comments

Is using "best answer" on subjective questions appropriate?

The best answer feature used in this AskMeFi question seems a little disconcerting to me. For a question that's so subjective, is it really appropriate? I find it off putting.
posted by sophie on Feb 14, 2005 - 82 comments

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