4 posts tagged with Bueller.
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CPB and the Ferris Club theory redux.

Cool Papa Bell gets another (uncredited) shout-out. [more inside]
posted by joe lisboa on Sep 7, 2010 - 22 comments

Danke Schoen

Cracked.com references Cool Papa Bell's Ferris Bueller theory as #4 of "6 Insane Fan Theories That Actually Make Great Movies Better". [more inside]
posted by quin on Jan 12, 2010 - 66 comments

I Love You Beth Bueller

NPR lists the crimes committed in a teen comedy, but fails to relate it to Fight Club.
posted by Stylus Happenstance on Jul 8, 2009 - 32 comments


Ask MeFi's "Felon Bueller" thread gets picked up by Mental Floss and Jezebel.
posted by Joe Beese on Apr 28, 2009 - 103 comments

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