11 posts tagged with CNN.
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The Cold War now on DVD
As a followup to this post: The Only Winning Move is to Watch This, you can now buy The Cold War on DVD. [more inside]
Best of the Web (except cnn.com?)
When did "you can find this on your own" because a reason to delete an FPP? [more inside]
Metafilter on CNN (.com).
Metafilter gets a mention on cnn.com in an article about Modest Needs, a charitable organization we first talked about here back in 2002. [more inside]
An opportunity for me to ham-handedly reference Husker Dü's "She Floated Away."
This post, about the identified flying object that did not have any passengers, was a bad post for Metafilter. [more inside]
Subject from MeFi thread #58058 Appearing on CNN
Follow up to this thread: New Metafilter member silentmiaow will appear tonight (2/21/07) on 360 with Anderson Cooper.
In breaking news, miko is awesome!
MeFite in the news: Our very own miko is featured in CNN.com's article covering the RPM challenge. Neat!
CNN mentions MetaFilter (and Fark)
CNN ignored us
I have to admit, I was slightly disappointed that Mehfee was not included in this Web 2.0 fanboy schlock story.
Frasermoo's wedding on CNN
Metafilterinos in the news. Remember when Frasermoo asked for help in dealing with the media about Prince Charles' wedding being so close with his own? With the pushback of the Royal wedding to ninety minutes before his own, Frasermoo and his lovely bride's ceremony received a mention on CNN.
User on CNN
I've banninated my television and just caught wind of adampsyche on CNN about 10 minutes ago.
This must be seen, did anyone tivo it?
This must be seen, did anyone tivo it?
CNN copied Metafilter