151 posts tagged with Callout and mefi.
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Steven Spielberg thread next to be led into I/P debate
Cleardawn seems dedicated to posting long discourses about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in any post that mentions Jews or a Jewish person, even in passing, and has succeeded in derailing a number of recent threads. Here and here and here., and probably elsewhere as well. The user obviously thinks that they are fighting the good fight, but this is clearly getting to be a bit much, and they don't seem to listen. Help?
I would have bumped them off and then blamed it on the blacks.
What would you have done?
I would have bumped them off and then blamed it on the blacks.
I don't think that sgt.serenity is living up to his handle.
I would have bumped them off and then blamed it on the blacks.
I don't think that sgt.serenity is living up to his handle.
Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?
Is someone using Mefi as his own private soapbox?
He has his opinions and that's great (even though I strongly disagree with a lot of them), but I don't think providing a platform for the Gospel According To Cleardawn was what matt had in mind.
He has his opinions and that's great (even though I strongly disagree with a lot of them), but I don't think providing a platform for the Gospel According To Cleardawn was what matt had in mind.
This post is not the best of the web
Can we get a restart here?
My delicate sensibilities are offended.
Sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities. Yes, actually, it does. It's ok if it's a man, but not a woman? This is vicious talk and a double standard. I flagged it but nothing happened.
Linking to your own Livejournal as a news source: deceptive?
Using breaking disaster news threads to post deceptively authoritative-looking self-links to Livejournal updates: threat or menace?
I claim this isle in the name of Asshattery
could we get a flag on isle 42780#957736?
What does this add to the discussion?
What does this add to the discussion?
Are we twelve?
It seemed like a snark-in-good-fun
It sounds as though this post was meant as a frivolous laugh at all parties involved, which is why the personal swipes sound so out of place. I partially note it because I was about to make a similar FPP, but perhaps should be glad I didn't....
Bevets is abusing his membership
Bevets is abusing his membership. Undeniable evidence included inside.
we get it, you don't like the pope.
Spock...get your own damn.......blog
Spock...get your own damn.......blog
Attack on poster history is unwarranted
A number of recent contentious discussions have quickly devolving into attacks on the past history of the individuals under discussion or justifications that break down to “They do it too!”. Would it help improve the tone of discussions to ask posters to consider the direct relevance of their comments on the topic under discussion, rather than firing off ‘unrelated’ repsonses that read like cheap shots or weak justifications? [mi]
1st-degree personal attack
Baseless accusations
Have unsubstantiated smears become common currency at MeFi too now?
These aren't really good posts.
Natalie dee now has her very own dog. It's too bad she had to " stone-cold quit my job".
Does This combined with This really belong on the front page?
What _is_ the best way to address this stuff without seeming like a jerk?
Does This combined with This really belong on the front page?
What _is_ the best way to address this stuff without seeming like a jerk?
This is a community website. Chill.
No. No, no, no. Frustration with ineffective enforcement procedures might be an excuse for revolution in a country, but this is a community website. Chill.
Is it too much to ask that FPP's be reasonably coherent?
It's the end of this post as we know it
It's time this thread had time alone - Funny, but is this what we want on our front page?
Sounds like someone's got some sand in her vagina.
Self-link detected.
They're clamoring for it, and here it is. This post contains a nakedly aggressive self-link. For shame, doc.
Get it right the first time
Just because there's no good way to get a thread shilling a new piece of free software noticed once it drops off the top of the front page is no reason to make a further thread noting the addition of a uninventive feature that was missed in the original post.
Nor does that fact that KevinSkomsvold saved it by turning it into a discussion about the merits of RSS mitigate my point. IE: What is the best way to do it?
Nor does that fact that KevinSkomsvold saved it by turning it into a discussion about the merits of RSS mitigate my point. IE: What is the best way to do it?
Stop being jerks, especially outside of politics threads
Consistency in standards, and the lack thereof. Since the election, MeFi has gotten a lot calmer, and a lot more readable. Much of these is surely do to the deletion of highly partisan comments and threads, but it seems like some people aren't getting the message. Snarky FPPs like this provoke obnoxious replies like part 3 of this.
Is there a viable way to confine this crap to the political threads?
Is there a viable way to confine this crap to the political threads?
Personal attacks suck
Haven't we been talking about putting a stop to this type of personal attack?
Civility and politics.
Can we please separate political passion from blood lust?
"I'm glad the silly fucker's dead"??
After rereading the snarky original Michael Kelly editorial. I believe I'm glad the silly fucker's dead.
Sorry for the callout, but unless I missed the subtlety of some kind of joke, I think this crosses the line just a little bit.
Our own little Ashcroft.
Our own little Ashcroft. Are threats really appropriate in a place meant for discussion?
Newsfilter callout
The Final Nail. I haven't been reading as much lately---I'm am hoping that the election will be over soon so the excuses are gone for shitty posts. But, there it is.
A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.
For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!
Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.
Yet... it remains there on the blue.
It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
A double post. It is a Newsfilter post, that isn't even news since it has been talked about for over a decade. It is clearly does not meet the stated standard. It is a classic troll: toss a turd that you *know* will incite much argument, for no apparent reason.. It is a single-link to a newspaper. It is a blatant amount of negative campaigning even while we try to encourage voting with a new link at the top of the page.
For the love of god, it is a self-Godwinizing post!
Matt posted the very next post, 30 minutes later, so there is no chance he didn't see the post.
Yet... it remains there on the blue.
It is the piece de resitance of the the shithole Matt has willingly allowed MeFi to become. I would say amazing if it wasn't so sad....
crap FPP, even without the flame war
Sheesh. Forgetting the fact that this is a crap FPP, do we have to have this stupid argument again? I get really tired of reading the uninformed, bigoted opinions of anti-religion types with chips on their shoulders. You are free to not believe in God; I am not bothered by your not-believing. But you not-believing is not evidence of intellectual or moral superiority. It's just a choice you made, a choice I can understand and respect. How about some reciprocation already?
More and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that
The pancakes are getting incredibly stale, people.
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
"How long will there will cowards logged into Metafilter?"
ParisParamus, 4 am JST : "How long will there will cowards logged into Metafilter?"
ParisParamus, 10:37 am JST : "Metafilter: keeping as many liberal and pacifist a-holes inside, so they do the least amount of damage possible in the real world."
ParisParamus, 10:37 am JST : "Metafilter: keeping as many liberal and pacifist a-holes inside, so they do the least amount of damage possible in the real world."
Is somebody feeling cranky?
Is somebody feeling cranky?. I recently handled a personal attack poorly, so this time I'll do the civilized thing and bring it in here.
Gay, straight, I don't care.
Big ol' Iowa farmboy hands, keswick? I have a piece you can put them on, but it's not a timepiece...
Gay, straight, I don't care. This kind of stuff is just crude and out of place.
Gay, straight, I don't care. This kind of stuff is just crude and out of place.
Call the Waaah-mbulance
Waah!Filter : Talk about posting your petty grievances in the Blue! Heheh.
particular brand of insane troll logic not welcome
Ok, I wasn't going to say anything when Witty decided to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to ruin amberglow's thread with his particular (read: vapid, boring) brand of insane troll logic. However, he then decided an interesting course of action would be to make a similarly unwarranted (perhaps even moreso) comment in an unrelated thread.
Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
Therefore, I politely and humbly request that Witty please refrain from making similarily irrelevant--and snide--comments in the future, at least in in the blue.
Way, way inappropriate.
A thread on "mob character assassination"
This thread is leaving a bad taste in my mouth for a number of reasons. I don't really like the author of the FPP, and I have some pretty fundamental disagreements with his opinions. However, for the most part, the thread is less about the links than about mob character assassination.
To what degree should a long-standing history of conflict here and the author's identity be permitted to drive discussion?
To what degree should a long-standing history of conflict here and the author's identity be permitted to drive discussion?
Dances, sings, quips, shoots Americans on sight
*dances, sings, quips, shoots Americans on sight*
This strikes me as a bit over the top. (MI)
This strikes me as a bit over the top. (MI)
takes one to know one
I will withhold the obscenities your mental capacity and nature evokes, and simply say: how stupid, how depraved you are.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
I've seen fairly impressive spin, but this is a work of art. It takes a special strain of immorality to lie that well.
Why crap on good threads?
Oh dear
"Eat flaming dogs***, you c*cksucking, Streisand loving, m*therf*cking ___hole! Hit the road, postchoad." Oh dear.
The Left shall rise again?
This is probably pointless, so here goes nothing:
"Instead of South vs North, this time it will be Right vs Left.
Sounds good to me. I doubt the world will shed too many tears if these narrow-minded, short-sighted, self-serving fools start getting special deliveries in their mailboxes. What's that? You mean you didn't order the bouquet of plastique and nails?"
This is repugnant. I agree with Civil_Disobedient's politics more often than not, but this is beyond the pale.
"Instead of South vs North, this time it will be Right vs Left.
Sounds good to me. I doubt the world will shed too many tears if these narrow-minded, short-sighted, self-serving fools start getting special deliveries in their mailboxes. What's that? You mean you didn't order the bouquet of plastique and nails?"
This is repugnant. I agree with Civil_Disobedient's politics more often than not, but this is beyond the pale.
"What is this post other than newsfilter?"
"What is this post other than newsfilter?" {more inside}
Ladder Match, inside!
I'm calling you out jfuller! I don't know why, but it seemed like the thing to do. Dare you disgrace the name of the lovely Miss Elisabeth?! You! Me! Ladder Match, inside!
anti-religious remarks belong on your own blog
It's all well and good for skallas to post his opinions on his own weblog, but couldn't he keep any anti-religious remarks out of his FPPs?
Posts with no context at all.
this is racist, offensive, incredibly stupid
Ok, I'll be the first to say that this is racist, offensive, incredibly stupid, and I'm blown away that Miguel was the one to post it, especially considering what his reaction would be if the word "Jew" were substituted for "Arab". I don't think this post belongs on MeFi.
Quick and lazy newsfilter posts.
Are conspiracy posts appropriate?
Are baseless conspiracy theories appropriate MetaFilter threads?