3 posts tagged with Eyes.
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My eyes rolled so hard...

I read this comment from oulipian on the Blue and did a quick web search for other "my eyes rolled so hard" moments on Metafilter. List within. Share your own! [more inside]
posted by duffell on May 2, 2019 - 24 comments

Schmoopy from my eyeball!

Shout out to askmefi! I didn't even need to ask though. This afternoon at 4:00, my eye started acting strange (like I'd looked at a bright light and the spot wouldn't go away) and I thought, eh, maybe I'll google it or call the doctor on Monday. It's going to storm tomorrow, so New Orleans Trick or Treating has been moved to today so I have to take my little kid trick or treating and finish my teenager's Manos Hand of Fate costume. I didn't really know what to google so I thought maybe I'd ask metafilter. I didn't even pull out my phone - I knew all the answers would be "Are you insane, it's your eyesight you imbecile!" [more inside]
posted by artychoke on Oct 30, 2015 - 55 comments

Best time to post a question?

When is the best time to post to "Ask" in order to have the most looks with the least number of new posts pushing my question off the page? Has anyone figured this out? Is this "cheating"?
posted by flummox on Feb 20, 2011 - 68 comments

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