4 posts tagged with Fun and happy.
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Metatalktail Hour: Tell me of your happy place, Usul

Welcome to the weekend, Talktail friends. This week, it would cheer me immensely to hear of your happy place (or places). Maybe it's a literal location, small or large, or maybe it's an activity, or an event, a season or holiday, being with a person or group, or just some harmonious synchronicity of conditions that create a perfect moment. Where or what is it that warms the cockles of your heart? [more inside]
posted by taz on Aug 20, 2022 - 73 comments

Tell Me Something Good

This is a complementary post to Fizz's necessary post, but tell me something good, tell me that you like it, yeah! It doesn't have to be an amazing thing, but something that made you smile, or feel happy, etc. [more inside]
posted by ellieBOA on Aug 17, 2017 - 146 comments

the delightful side of MetaFilter

Please share the MeFi post/discussion that has *delighted* you the most, in an irrepressible smile-inducing sort of way. It can be old or new, brief or epic, an FPP whose comments devolved into a series of terrible puns, an in-joke-filled post about your favorite show on FanFare, an Ask about naming a really cute pet, the IRL where you met your SO... whatever you've seen discussed or discovered by this community that has given you a frisson of sans schadenfreude delight, I'd love to see or be reminded of it, too. Here's to brighter days. [more inside]
posted by amnesia and magnets on Feb 7, 2017 - 66 comments

Happy Fun September

As [northern hemisphere] summer winds down, [other people's] kids are back in school and [US] politics ramp up, I would like to suggest more happy and/or fun posts in September. More cats and kittens! More puppies and dogs! If you find spiders to be cute and/or amazing, post some! Whatever strikes your fancy, share it! [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Aug 30, 2016 - 94 comments

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