3 posts tagged with Halloweencostume.
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Official 2011 Halloween Costume Thread

Here it is, ghouls and goblins...the (sort of) annual, mod-approved Halloween costume MeTa! Go on with your scary selves, and show us what you got! [more inside]
posted by quiet coyote on Nov 2, 2011 - 123 comments

They said my costume was average, but they were just being mean!

So, after all of that effort and the many AskMe queries, how did your Halloween costume (or your kids') turn out? Did people understand your conceptual costume? Appreciate your literary references? Laugh or gasp... as you intended? Any last minute glitches or bursts of inspiration? Did your costume make it through the night? Put links to your photos and related discussion here!
posted by carmicha on Oct 31, 2009 - 8 comments

If you could dress up as anyone in history for Halloween, who would it be?

For Halloween, if you could dress up as anyone in history, who would it be?
posted by clavdivs on Oct 31, 2004 - 40 comments

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