13 posts tagged with Meetup and Pittsburgh.
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A Call to Pittsburgh Mefites
Pittsburgh, it's time for another meetup! [more inside]
Pittsburgh pre-meetup meetup
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh Meetup: My band will be performing at The Quiet Storm on Saturday, September 9th. Join us for music and revelry!
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh MeFi meetup today! We will meet at the Beehive on Carson Street at 8:00. Look for a woman wearing an equestrian helmet.
Pittsburgh meetup
One week to go! Pittsburgh MeFi meetup, Friday the 4th at 8:00 pm. We will meet at the Beehive on Carson Street in the South Side.
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh meetup! How about Friday, July 28th, 8:00 pm at the Beehive?
Pittsburgh Meetup
We've tried it before without success, but third time's the charm? How about a Pittsburgh-area meetup for the holidays? Get together, drink some nog, take some shout-out pics, celebrate the season?
AASLH Meetup Pittsburgh 2005
Any MeFites going to AASLH in Pittsburgh next week?
Pittsburgh Yard-Sale Meetup
Pittsburgh meetup (of sorts)...
Some friends and I are hosting a yard sale on Labor Day to benefit Katrina victims... (more inside)
Some friends and I are hosting a yard sale on Labor Day to benefit Katrina victims... (more inside)
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh Meetup Reminder! • Saturday April 2, 8:00pm, Church Brew Works.
Pittsburgh Meetup
Pittsburgh Meetup! • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How. (Thanks, Sciurius.)
Pittsburgh meetup
Uno tiempo mas con seriedad -- there are more than 30 of us in the Pittsburgh metroplex judging solely by those who've given zip codes. Is there any interest in a meetup? It's grey, it's cold, it's damp, we're entitled to a little fun, aren't we? (Related question: should we attempt to work through the rubric of meetup.com? I'd be happy to organize, fwiw.)
Pittsburgh Meetup
I looked at my profile today and was shocked to see how many people are suddenly residing in zip codes near mine. Any interest in a Pittsburgh MeFi gathering?