34 posts tagged with PONY and feature.
Displaying 1 through 34 of 34. Subscribe:

Any chance of marking Twitter links like Youtube ones?

I'm wondering if there's any interest in marking links to Twitter in the same way that we already mark links to Youtube, so that people who want to avoid them can do so more easily. [more inside]
posted by Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, The on Sep 8, 2017 - 51 comments

Are we counting favorites the right way?

On our user pages, the two numbers tracked for favorites count different things. The first one is a count of how many individual comments I have favorited. The second number is a count of how many times everyone has favorited a comment of mine. The description of that second number, "Favorited by others," is sort of misleading, I think, because it doesn't count individual comments the way the first number does. [more inside]
posted by emelenjr on Oct 5, 2016 - 37 comments

Metafilter Chat Feature Request

Would it be possible to have a link to the profile pages of the members in the chat room? Perhaps as an additional choice when you right-click their name from the list on the righthand sidebar? (alongside "ignore" and "private chat") [more inside]
posted by chambers on Nov 24, 2015 - 9 comments

Ctrl+enter to post/preview?

I was wondering what the community and dev team thinks about adding a ctrl+enter shortcut to post comments. It's something that's fairly common elsewhere on the web, and in my opinion it would be nice to have it here as well. Going to the mouse to click on Post Comment is not exactly a big deal, but it would be cool if there were a keyboard shortcut for those of us who are slightly mouse-averse. [more inside]
posted by Scientist on Mar 8, 2014 - 40 comments

Another Flag Category?

Similar to fffm's pony request from January, I wonder whether it would be possible to add another flag category or two. [more inside]
posted by spacewrench on Mar 6, 2014 - 72 comments


What do people think about adding an anti-procrastination pony to MetaFilter? [more inside]
posted by michaelh on Dec 28, 2012 - 64 comments

Popup Image Pony / Robot request

Feature or script: popup boxes to display single-image deeplinks in posts and comments? (like the youtube popups.) [more inside]
posted by snuffleupagus on Dec 20, 2012 - 17 comments

opt into notification for IRL meetups

Feature request: opt-in email or MeMail when a meetup in your city is proposed. [more inside]
posted by gen on Nov 4, 2012 - 13 comments

Markup Markdown Mark It All Around

I know that similar topics have been brought up in the past, but how about supporting Markdown on Metafilter? [more inside]
posted by schmod on Oct 16, 2012 - 119 comments

Define "Interesting."

Pony Request: Additional Posts and Comments on the "Popular" page. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Feb 15, 2012 - 15 comments

Checkbox to set "mymefi" tab as default

Would it be possible to have an checkbox option to set the "my mefi" / "my askmefi" tabs as the default tab that opens for logged in users? [more inside]
posted by Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory on Sep 14, 2011 - 17 comments

What say ye of the edit window?

What, dear friends, of the edit window? [more inside]
posted by killdevil on Jan 26, 2011 - 170 comments

Curious about MeFi/AskMe in relation to Safari 5.0's Reader function.

Curious about MeFi/AskMe in relation to Safari 5.0's Reader function. [more inside]
posted by blueberry on Jul 10, 2010 - 44 comments

Are there questions nearby?

Location-specific AskMe pony. [more inside]
posted by Cat Pie Hurts on Feb 10, 2010 - 20 comments

Related Posts

Any word on having "Related Posts" on the blue? Previously, Previously-er. [more inside]
posted by niles on Feb 8, 2010 - 39 comments

More than 10 posts on Mefi Mobile

Mefi Mobile Pony: Can we get more than 10 posts on mobile.metafilter.com? [more inside]
posted by pravit on Apr 22, 2008 - 23 comments

Searching for users by email address?

I tried to gift a membership to a minor internet celebrity, but I got the message "It appears your friend already has an account, as this email address is in use". Really? That's cool -- now who is it? Can there be a way of entering in an address and getting a username back, so I can add that account to my contacts?
posted by ewagoner on Feb 22, 2008 - 71 comments

Tag Families

A request for 'tag groups' and 'tag aliases'. Explained inside.
posted by Gyan on Aug 14, 2007 - 32 comments

Draft Posts?

Saved drafts of posts for the blue - crazy idea?
posted by Miko on Aug 4, 2007 - 47 comments

User page changes

I gussied up your user pages. Leave a note if anything is broken and throw a screenshot up on flickr if you spot any show-stopper visual bugs. Danke!
posted by mathowie on Dec 6, 2006 - 131 comments

Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?

lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
posted by blue_beetle on Jul 14, 2006 - 10 comments

Suggested Feature: Subscribe to Posts

I would love a feature that allows you to "subscribe" to certain posts, coupled with the ability to view all "subscribed" posts. This way it would be easier to track the progress of certain threads that you do not participate in (you can obviously track those threads through the "my comments" page.
posted by charmston on Feb 9, 2006 - 2 comments

Pony: temporary comment editing

Temporary comment editing?
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
posted by fenriq on Feb 3, 2006 - 78 comments

Pony Request: A MetaFilter FAQ whose answers are links to the relavent MetaTalk threads

Pony Request: A MetaFilter FAQ whose answers are links to the relavent MetaTalk threads that answer the question.

Many redundant questions keep coming up in MetaTalk and the responses are usually links to MetaTalk threads that will answer the question. Would it be possible to make a FAQ that points to the appropriate MetaTalk threads for these reoccurring questions? Maybe someone can go through MetaTalk once a week and add the questions and answers of things that shouldn't have to come up again.


Q. Some users have customized user pages, can I have a customized user page?

A: See here

posted by Mijo Bijo on Jan 29, 2006 - 16 comments

Metafilter users closest to this user

Pony: at the end of the new "MetaFilter users near this user" query slap an "order by miles ascending". Not a big deal. I just want to stalk people in order, s'all. (That's a pretty damned sweet feature, btw).
posted by popechunk on Dec 21, 2005 - 30 comments

Pony: alternate payment methods

Can we get another way to pay for accounts then paypal? I'd rather pay $20 for an account through another service then use them. There are several, relatively cheap credit card transaction services out there.
posted by delmoi on Aug 23, 2005 - 48 comments

Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe

Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
posted by Plutor on May 27, 2005 - 25 comments

Best Answers Arrive on the Scene

Another pony is roaming free. It's now possible to mark great answers to questions you've asked on Ask MeFi. Details and screenshot inside.
posted by mathowie on Feb 10, 2005 - 77 comments

Sarcasm within.

Could there be a feature that automatically posts the nude picture of the poster when a disparaging comment about anyone's physical appearance is made?
posted by the fire you left me on Mar 18, 2004 - 31 comments

RSS for AskMe

The MeFi RSS feed works great. While I can envision the reason(s) for ommitting this feature for metaTalk, wouldn't it make sense to have on for AskMeFi ?
posted by Fupped Duck on Dec 22, 2003 - 1 comment

Deleted posts search feature?

This thread for googling for WMDs has come up I think three times now. (And will probably be deleted before most of you read this post.) As It took me quite a while to locate via search where the page in question was first posted, and this mistake could be made with similar distributed content is there any way that we can have the search feature include deleated posts? If it did this person would have probably seen the other two deleted posts and not posted this. Perhaps a checkbox on the search page for 'include deleted posts'.
posted by woil on Jul 8, 2003 - 15 comments

Pony: A MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature

Feature request: a MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature. The upside: easy to post. The downside: more FFPs on Metafilter. Good idea, or really bad?
posted by jasonsmall on Jan 28, 2002 - 31 comments

A pony is granted: profile URLs featuring usernames

Just a thought: I'd eventually like to be able to get to user profiles via username somehow.
posted by cCranium on Apr 10, 2001 - 9 comments

Request: button to list threads with new responses.

I hopped on to MeFi just now to find 4 new threads and 38 new responses. Only 36 of them were on my front page, which means I'll never get to know where 37 and 38 are. And I have my prefs set to deliver 7 days' worth of posts. This is the first time I can remember this happening, so I'm finally pushed to ask: Any consideration of a "list threads with new responses" button, or somesuch?
posted by aaron on Sep 17, 2000 - 5 comments

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