16 posts tagged with Page.
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Extended new comment Show Pony

Currently for a limited period of time if a new comment(s) are posted to a thread you have open one gets a notification "Foo new comments, show". My understanding is this feature is time limited because it loads the server by regularly checking for new comments since the last displayed (hence the reason one sometimes sees the notice "0 new comments, show"). After the limited time period one gets the message "No recent updates. Reload to check for new comments". Here's the pony request: Would it be possible to have a link in the last statement that manually runs the new comment check code and then displays an appropriate message if new comments are found? [more inside]
posted by Mitheral on Jul 11, 2018 - 6 comments

Videos and transcripts

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who would much rather read a transcript than watch a video. Some kind posters do include a link to a transcript, but it doesn't seem to be a convention. Could the New Post page include a nudge to do so, like "If you're posting a video, please also post a transcript if possible"? [more inside]
posted by Dashy on Jun 22, 2016 - 62 comments

Profile page image self destructing

Second profile picture this week showing pixellation or blurring of some sort across the bottom about 8mm in height. [more inside]
posted by infini on Oct 23, 2011 - 19 comments

search fail!

Article about Mefi which contained a list of FPP including one about a movie so shocking it was only shown once? Any bells ringing? [more inside]
posted by wheelieman on Apr 4, 2011 - 27 comments

I need [more inside] and less outside.

Can limit the main text area so that people are encouraged to put [more inside] rather than so much outside? [more inside]
posted by tmcw on Mar 22, 2010 - 67 comments

It's baaaack

Hay! That weird bar is back. Now on all pages.
posted by Thorzdad on Jul 11, 2009 - 17 comments

Links in AskMeFi

What do I need to do so that links in AskMeFi open in a new page, instead of taking me away from AskMeFi? Links on pages from other sites do.
posted by qsysopr on Mar 2, 2009 - 20 comments

Paging Dr. ColdChef.

A new pony? Paging mathowie... [more inside]
posted by dirtynumbangelboy on Apr 15, 2008 - 92 comments

Hmm, you might know the answer to this...

AskMe Feature suggestion - here's some questions you might like to answer.... [more inside]
posted by Happy Dave on Mar 12, 2008 - 88 comments

Show me more show me more, is it love at first sight

I have found a bug. You can never get to the second+ page of a tag search. [more inside]
posted by rbs on Nov 3, 2007 - 6 comments

Metafilter + bacon = delicious/WTF?

Sorry if this has been addressed before, but I am logged in and see ads from fmpub.net on the front page. The ad presently displayed invites me to "chew the fat at serious eats". It's the same ad after multiple refreshes also. While I am a fan of bacon, I don't normally see ads when I'm logged in. This is all the more curious given that I'm using adblock plus and don't usually see ads on any site. Is this a temporary thing, or is bacon now an integral part of the site?
posted by Pastabagel on Mar 1, 2007 - 88 comments

What if you really could page users?

What if you really could page users -- alert them to a thread they would interested and/or helpful in?
posted by jjg on Aug 8, 2006 - 95 comments

Paging The Monkey

Paging mefi user The Monkey - I have been unable to find contact info for you on this site or the one listed in your profile.

A few months back you helped me out in this thread regarding an electronic scoreboard system for a tournament.

You posted some code examples in the thread but they were a bit scrambled and I am unable to get them to work properly. I'd really appreciate it if you could email the actual files to me.
posted by davey_darling on Jan 31, 2006 - 2 comments

'My Comments' page rolled out!

The My Comments page is up and ready for testing. It scours the comment databases to find all the comments you've left in the past 7 days, then shows you the thread you left them in, along with the comments that followed yours, up to the last ten comments. I've been using it for the past hour or so and it's great for keeping up on threads I left comments in days ago.

I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
posted by mathowie on Aug 18, 2005 - 67 comments

Several page errors on loading the blue

Surely I am not the only one noticing an unusual number of errors when trying to load pages from the blue side:

The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: cfoutput

The error occurred in C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\header.cfm: line 189
Called from C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\front.mefi: line 149
Called from C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\front.mefi: line 290
Called from C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\index.cfm: line 28
posted by briank on May 15, 2003 - 9 comments

HELP page

I don't see a MetaFilter HELP page anywhere...and I think some is needed.

For example, tinkering with Preview shows me that some HTML is accepted, but as it looks odd there apparently are restrictions that I can't find. I do see that a simple blank line is fine, and a Paragraph tag breaks the MF formatting.
posted by SEWilco on Sep 15, 2001 - 6 comments

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