41 posts tagged with Search and searching.
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Best way to search archives?

After excellent success using ask.me to get a gift idea, I don't want to spam metafilter with questions about all my friends and relations- but how best to search the archives? [more inside]
posted by freethefeet on Dec 20, 2016 - 9 comments

Boolean Tag Searching and Tag Redundancy

Pony/suggestion: What about being able to browse posts by multiple tags, but with OR as opposed to merely AND. This would mostly be to combat tag redundancy, but could also be useful in general. [more inside]
posted by sentient on Mar 15, 2010 - 12 comments

Sorting search results by number of favorites?

Pony request: We can already sort the posts and comments in search results by date or by relevance. Would it be possible (or even desirable) to sort by the number of favorites each item has? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Jul 6, 2009 - 32 comments

Translate ReadMe int CheckMeOutFromLibrary

I seem to remember that in the wake of this question someone mentioned (on MeTa, I think) putting all the books that appealed to them into an Amazon wishlist. They were then able to use some sort of tool that exported it into a format useful for taking it to their public library. Does anyone remember this posting? I tried to search for it but my googleFu blah blah blah...
posted by Deathalicious on Dec 20, 2007 - 13 comments

An AskMe about your favourite recommendations...

A good while ago, there was an AskMe question along the lines of 'what are the things you love to recommend', 'give me your top recommendations', and so on. Can anyone help me find it?
posted by flibbertigibbet on Dec 15, 2007 - 9 comments

where's the gift list?

There was a list in the last few weeks of a bunch of weird places to get christmas gifts. One was the american science supply and the author commented that a similar list was put up last year. Searching metafilter and ask metafilter has proven fruitless. Can someone get me back to the post? thanks.
posted by history is a weapon on Nov 8, 2007 - 6 comments

Strange search page behavior

Out of curiosity, why is the main Metafilter search page different when logged out and logged in? [more inside]
posted by Upton O'Good on Oct 26, 2007 - 8 comments

I can't be the only one?

I like the new /random in the sidebar, but all I use it for is to try and find good flameouts on the grey. Could there be a /flame, so I can have something to do on a rainy day?
posted by KingoftheWhales on Aug 5, 2007 - 47 comments

"How to get sent to the sandbox" on AskMeFi

I distinctly remember reading a thread in AskMe a few weeks (?) ago, where someone was asking, in a nutshell, 'how do I get sent to Iraq as a defense contractor?' It might not have been that, exactly, but it related to jobs as a defense contractor, or maybe overseas jobs in general, or maybe just 'dangerous jobs.' I think it specifically mentioned the idea of defense contracting (Blackwater, etc.), and the question related to how one gets their foot in the door. I can't find this, using any combination of searches or tags, looking under all the logical terms (jobs, employment, iraq, all combinations thereof). Does anyone else remember or have a link to this thread? Or did I just totally hallucinate it?
posted by Kadin2048 on Jul 16, 2007 - 9 comments

What's the best way to search for a post on MetaFilter?

Howdy. I'm searching for a post that I think was made here awhile back of people carrying ridiculous amounts of stuff while riding a bike. I can't find it [maybe it wasn't here]. Anyway, in the course of searching for it I also took a gander through the FAQ in the hopes that I could find information on the best way to search MeFi... [mi]
posted by sciurus on Jan 21, 2007 - 7 comments

Is there a way to search members by location?

I swear I remember a way to find users from a specific locale- but I can't seem to conjure up a search-string that will do what I want, which is to find users in and around Munich and Berlin, Germany.

The rasion d'etre of my search is that I've found some 1500 photographs I took there 30 years ago, and I'd like some assistance in determining locations/stories.
posted by pjern on Jan 17, 2007 - 18 comments

I have a comment to post about wills.

I would like to make a comment on a post I had read before about people looking to purchase a will done by a lawyer.I found this company and this may be of some help to you all in your quest. If interested let me know.
posted by princey on Nov 16, 2006 - 1 comment

Searching for Deleted Posts

Dare I ask this but due to the deleted post in this MeFi post being so damn funny I'm wondering if there's a way to search for just deleted posts on MeFi?
posted by photoslob on Sep 3, 2006 - 10 comments

Music Search

The search box on music.metafilter is restricted to ask.metafilter.
posted by crunchland on Jul 18, 2006 - 2 comments

Can You Search Profiles?

Is there a way to search profiles? I want to see if there are any members in a certain city (not near where I live, so the ones listed in my profile don't help).
posted by Framer on Jun 28, 2006 - 11 comments

I forget where the memorization AskMe is!

Could somebody please point me to an AskMe thread from a few months back that discussed various useful phrases people used to memorize things, like "right tight left loose"? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thank you.
posted by misozaki on Jun 26, 2006 - 6 comments

Looking for an old post.

Here or AskMeFi?

i'm not sure if i should post this here or ask mefi, but i'm looking for an old post that i found around Thanksgiving.

It was a blog and/or humorous editorial about Thanksgiving in the White House. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or know where I can find it?
I've searched for keywords and searched the tags, but i'm just not finding it.
posted by pelican on Dec 21, 2005 - 2 comments

Yahoo Search Bug

Yahoo search isn't working properly, via the "Search Ask Metafilter" link. Clicking on a search result link goes directly to http://www.yahoo.com.
posted by hooray on Nov 13, 2005 - 2 comments

Indexing AskMe

For Ask.Mefi, please tell Google to only index the individual archive page for each question, rather than indexing the monthly archives, the tag index, etc.
posted by chunking express on Nov 11, 2005 - 7 comments

Missing Search

Hey Matt, where did the search function go? Now all that is left is a Google search, but that doesn't pick up recent posts. I know you are working on some new search features, but could we have the old one back in the meantime, please?
posted by caddis on Nov 9, 2005 - 12 comments

Search Error

The front page gives an "Unterminated String Constant" JavaScript error. I think it's something to do with the search box, but I don't really get it. The error's been around for months. IE6
posted by Mephistopheles on Aug 22, 2005 - 7 comments

Yahoo vs Google

If it's true that Yahoo! has a more complete index of Metafilter than Google does - see here, here and here (just below) for tantalizing discussion - wouldn't it make more sense to point folks to Yahoo! rather than Google on the site's various search and posting pages? Anyone up for a semi-scientific test?
posted by mediareport on Aug 15, 2005 - 23 comments

How can I avoid making double posts?

Drat! Foiled again! If anyone needs a pony that helps prevent doubleposts, it's me. I search (google) and search (MeFi), come up empty, post, and soon discover that I've been had. We've talked about such a pony that uses a keyword, category, or subject engine... how's it coming?
posted by moonbird on Jul 17, 2004 - 21 comments

AskMe Archives

Why isn't Ask Metafilter archived more extensively? Why is it not searchable? Seems like a great source of info and trivia.
posted by Dukebloo on Jun 11, 2004 - 13 comments

Can we have a search function for AskMe?

Matt, I'm in love with ask mefi. I have ideas for questions that I eventually want to ask (or research) but I want to make sure that it hasn't been asked before. Can we please have a "search" ask (rather than getting results from MetaTalk or the main filter?)
posted by filmgeek on Mar 18, 2004 - 14 comments

Site linked in askme is 404, and I can't find the askme!

Ok, maybe I'm just an idiot...or my google fu is way off...but does anyone remember a post in the last couple of weeks that went to a satire site for a sensual surrogate love lump thing? It was a silly site, and I was going to use it in a column, but the site is now totally 404 and I'm wondering if anyone has a picture of the lump in their cache that you could send me? I would ask in the thread...but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
posted by dejah420 on Dec 3, 2003 - 11 comments

Did I see this link here?

was I dreaming?

I thought I saw a link here a few days ago, about a bookmark that would quickly let you know, using amazon's database, whether a specific cd was put out by a member of the riaa. but when I searched for this link here, it was gone. And I didn't see it on lofi, when I looked there. Normally, I wouldn't care too much about a deleted thread, but I can't seem to find the link in question via google either. can anyone help me out?
posted by jann on May 23, 2003 - 8 comments

Archives for Sale

Would it be possible to offer for purchase the complete (and, if possible. updatable online) MetaFilter and MetaTalk archives? Would enough people buy it for it to be worthwhile for Matt, revenue-wise? How much would such a treasure cost? Could it be produced on demand, to minimize costs? I know I'd buy it.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Apr 2, 2003 - 46 comments

Avoiding Duplicate Posts

Trying to avoid repeat posts is pretty hard because of timeouts from the search system. (In fact, I wanted to see if this is a duplicate Metatalk topic, but my searches stalled.) I want to avoid dupes, really I do! My memory isn't encyclopedic, though (and I have a life, *cough* ;-). How do the old hands here really avoid repeat posts? Shouldn't it be in a FAQ?

(Interestingly, after I started doing more searches, MetaFilter went into general "Server Error" mode for a while. Hmm...)
posted by tss on Jan 4, 2003 - 10 comments

Is Google indexing broken?

When I wanted to do a search to find out if someone had linked to a given site in a FPP yet, I decided to try something different. I went to old google and put in this URL, which was the link in the most popular FPPof the day exactly two weeks ago, as a "who link's to you?" search.

Shouldn't google have indexed the thread, then, since it links back to the original article? Strange, that it doesn't do this for a link and lenghty thread on a topic that will have serious implications for everyone on the internet, specifically Americans? Has google dropped the ball? Is this all just a bunch of Tom-Foolery?
posted by Hammerikaner on Nov 23, 2002 - 8 comments

Searching Metafilter

Searching Metafilter: on first search, threads and users only. Thereafter, other options appear. Bug, or crap browser (IE5.5, W98)?
posted by walrus on Nov 12, 2002 - 8 comments

Searching with Quotation Marks

Words or phrases enclosed in quotation marks (e.g. "too much") are ignored by the search app, while the the same words work fine when used without the quotes. What gives?
posted by me3dia on Jul 17, 2002 - 10 comments

Better search, fewer doubles

I improved the search "previously found" feedback. Here is what you see if you search for something that was posted less than 5 times in the database, and here is what you see if you post a URL that is in there more than that. Hopefully this will cut down on double-posts.
posted by mathowie on Nov 3, 2001 - 9 comments

Search Timeouts

It seems that both myself and Qubit are wondering about the search timing out. I did a MeFi Google search to see if anyone had recently linked e-sheep, and it looked safe. Little did I know. As per Qubit, why does the Metafilter specific search engine time out consistently, letting dumbasses like myself double post?
posted by arielmeadow on Oct 17, 2001 - 10 comments

More Granular Searching

A lot of times when I do a search here, I'm generally looking for a specific thread, not a specific comment. I'd like to be able so specify if I want to search only threads, only comments, or both. I imagine that this would help reduce the server load as well as making is a little easier to narrow down your results.
posted by skwm on Oct 14, 2001 - 2 comments

Searching Before Posting

Haven't been here long, but I've noticed double posts occur on nearly every thread, usually followed by a "shit ... I double posted" post %}

How difficult would it be to add a quick search through the previous posts in a thread such that if the same post had already been made it wouldn't post it again?

Or would that just crunch the overtaxed server too much?

posted by walrus on Oct 4, 2001 - 5 comments

Search Timeouts

The search facility is basically dead on its feet: I get timeouts 9 times out of 10. Understandable, given the size of the DB, but might it be worth outsourcing (ie, a Googlified site:www.metafilter.com link)?
posted by holgate on Sep 19, 2001 - 3 comments

Search Comments by User?

Comment Search. A friend of mine just started reading metafilter and she wanted to read where I've made comments in the past. (Not sure why, but..) Is it possible to search for comments made by other people and I just don't realize? Is it unwise due to bandwidth considerations? Just curious.
posted by Apoch on Jul 21, 2001 - 2 comments

Searching and Bandwidth

Regarding the bandwidth concerns: Which uses less bandwidth?

—The occasional double post? And the obligatory flames? And the use of the search function to justify thse flames?

—Or using the search function prior to posting at all?

Please check.
posted by o2b on May 26, 2001 - 5 comments

Is there a French version of MeFi?

Does anybody know of any French Web logs? Not Metafiltre--there's only one!
posted by ParisParamus on May 25, 2001 - 4 comments

Can we search for links?

We can search for specific text, but is it possible to expand the search capability to include sites linked to? (Search for any links to www.whatadeal.org/foo/ for example.) This would help in determining if something is a repeated link or not.
posted by jason on Jul 10, 2000 - 3 comments

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