10 posts tagged with Size.
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Tiny Text - Please Stop

Can I respectfully ask the metafilter community to not so frequently use tiny text font? [more inside]
posted by NotTheRedBaron on Jan 12, 2021 - 166 comments

teeny tiny

Concerning small text. [more inside]
posted by Miko on Jan 3, 2013 - 122 comments

Did the text size on the blue get shrunk?

Text size issue - looks smaller on the front page of the blue than it used to. I increased text size in my profile, now the blue looks "normal" (like it did before) but MetaTalk and AskMe look much bigger. [more inside]
posted by marble on Mar 3, 2012 - 12 comments

Monkeys and Typewriters

How big (in bytes) is Metafilter? [more inside]
posted by jsonic on May 26, 2009 - 76 comments

Bigger Front Page?

Why is the front page the size it is? [more inside]
posted by twoleftfeet on Mar 20, 2009 - 1507 comments

Recent Photos page is effin' huge.

Playing around, I discovered that our community flickr / "Recent Photos" page is about 0.5MB of html, and over 25MB of img tags and other stuff. It's cool and I'd like to check it out occasionally, but it locks up Safari for solid minute or so loading all that stuff. Can we paginate it or make it smaller or something?
posted by patr1ck on Apr 8, 2008 - 9 comments

what is the deal with the small and large tags on AskMefi?

I know this has been discussed already and even used as an excuse for the guys here to show off their font skills, but what is the deal with the small and large tags on AskMefi? They exist but there's no script or interface that lets a novice change the size of his or her font in the post? Is this a way of regulating some from emphasizing words? Just want some history here... Thanks.
posted by ifranzen on Oct 5, 2006 - 57 comments

Did font sizes in the blue change?

Is it just me, or is The Blue displaying in a teeny-tiny font for everyone? The Gray and the Green haven't changed, and neither has any other site that I vist. I first noticed this yesterday (May 12).

If it's everyone, I like the larger font much better. If it's me, anyone have any idea how I can fix it?
posted by Daddio on May 13, 2004 - 22 comments

big big google ad

These Google Ads are getting bigger and bigger, at least in some threads. They look like big vertical banners with BIG HEADLINES. WTF? Is this the face of all Google ads to come?
posted by jessamyn on Mar 3, 2004 - 20 comments

Textbox more constricting than tighty-whiteys

Could we make the Post a Link page's description field be a bit bigger? On my most recent FPP post, I found that I was using a lot of markup (really the first time I had done markup this extensive for a FPP) and having trouble making code changes/editing content because the textbox just seems a bit constricting. Also, this could be helpful for Metatalk as well.
posted by Hammerikaner on Jan 8, 2003 - 12 comments

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