3 posts tagged with bill.
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What would Bill do?

So, I neglected to favorite a user's comment pointing to a certain Easter Egg they buried in a news website before they left the job there. This "feature" led to a page which collected all the articles about what proposed legislation intended to do ("Bill would..."), to hilarious results. Can anyone point me to it?
posted by TheNewWazoo on Feb 20, 2013 - 19 comments

Grantland Filter

With less than 2 months under it's belt... Grantland.com has been featured on the blue 14 times... is this product placement? Is this unprecedented? Do users of Grantland not get the concept of RSS feeds? [more inside]
posted by matimer on Jul 27, 2011 - 70 comments

Scientology primer host passes bandwidth bill

The host of the '70s Scientology primer that brought so much joy to Metafilter and others is passing the hat for an unexpected bandwidth bill: "~50,000 people saw the site, and given that I do not think it is crazy to assume that 210 of them (you) can donate a dollar (just one!) to my cause."
posted by rcade on Jul 14, 2003 - 68 comments

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