4 posts tagged with bookmark and pony.
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Thread bookmarking for recent activity

Recently active pony: Is there a way to see recent activity since specific, non-self comments? Or some other way to bookmark threads? [more inside]
posted by Westringia F. on Nov 19, 2011 - 11 comments

Using favorites to mark progress in reading massive threads?

RFP (Request For Pony): A way to bookmark a specific location in a thread, so that the number of comments from that point onward (rather than from my last comment) shows up in my Recent Activity. [more inside]
posted by albrecht on Mar 24, 2010 - 15 comments

Something like a favorite would be awesome

I have no idea if this is something other people would want or if it would be easy enough to do...
posted by weretable and the undead chairs on Dec 5, 2004 - 14 comments

Powered By Bookmarks

How about a bookmark for the lovely 'powered by' bar? It'd make it even easier to point people to how cool it is.
posted by Sean Meade on Apr 21, 2001 - 5 comments

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