11 posts tagged with changes.
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Metatalktails: Must be the season of the ... which?

Fall / Winter is coming ... or maybe Spring / Summer, or the wet season, or the dry season, or school is starting or ending, it's getting warmer or cooler, and some vegetables are growing sparser, while other are ramping up. (When is ramp season, anyway?) So, tell us — what are you doing to prepare for whichever seasonal change is looming on your horizon? Is it fun? Or is it more like chores you have to get through? Are you excited for the change, or not so much? Do you get to switch over to your favorite outfits, or do you have to bid your more beloved attire adieu for now? [more inside]
posted by taz on Sep 26, 2021 - 71 comments

What's one change to Metafilter that you'd like to see made, or tried?

What is something that you wish worked differently, and how would it work?
posted by Baeria on Dec 14, 2018 - 318 comments

It's a new year

It's a new year and there will soon be a new, and very different government here in the U.S. This will be a shift of a magnitude that many have never seen. Some people feel that this new world shouldn't be entered into, by individuals or groups, without a bit of advanced thinking and planning. My question is: Has leadership here at MetaFilter given any thought as to a need to change how the site handles moderation, security, or any other aspect of our lives here, in light of the inevitable upcoming social, cultural, or governmental changes?
posted by HuronBob on Jan 3, 2017 - 44 comments


Is it possible to change my username or should I close my account and pay another 5 bucks? (Reason: I want less anger in my life)
posted by angrybeaver on Aug 26, 2008 - 103 comments

Can we have a changelog?

Would it be feasible to have an admin-only message board, maybe in the sidebar? There are enough postings where #1 explains the addition or removal of a feature to merit some kind ot tracking.

I guess what I want is a Meta-Changelog (say, changes.metafilter.com?) that could just be a plain-text, "on this date there was..." sort of list.

Or, there's always the ubiquitous RSS feed.

How about it? Simple pony?
posted by ChrisR on Apr 12, 2006 - 7 comments

how nice is matt about letting users change their user name?

how nice is matt about letting users change their user name?
posted by Tryptophan-5ht on Jul 28, 2005 - 20 comments

i'm irked

i'm irked by the way matt trolls out minor changes (introducing major bugs) and forgets it all them soon as the mefi thread rolls off the page.
contacts is munged in several ways which is wan't before the "oh my god we must fix the free-forem text hippy-hack!"
posted by quonsar on Jun 22, 2004 - 55 comments

Effect of MeFi on content

Altering the web in real time. Lately there have been some interesting examples of how a post on metafilter has caused change to the source immediately after it was posted. Millionforchrist made changes to it's stated privacy policy within an hour after being mentioned. Someone speculated a domain out from under this ask.me question, and also the whole real-time debate with LGF thread. What are some other recent examples of this kind of thing?
posted by milovoo on Apr 12, 2004 - 29 comments

Changes to MetaTalk

Just a note to future posters to MetaTalk, I've removed the option to make new posts about "general weblog-related" items, as Blogroots is a much better place to do it, and designed for that subject matter. The site is just getting off the ground but will turn into a resource that is much more fully featured than anything MetaTalk can offer. I also took the "ticketstubs related" category out as I've languished on that idea for two years and it didn't make much sense to keep it around for now. I'm planning on going back to it this summer with the hopes of finally launching it, between the code here, at sportsfilter, and blogroots, I've got everything I need already written somewhere for it.
posted by mathowie on Jun 13, 2002 - 19 comments

I'm getting pretty sick of MetaFilter. Changes are coming very soon.

Just so you all know, I'm getting pretty sick of MetaFilter. Changes are coming very soon.

Big. assed. changes.

Call me mr. crankypants, but the level of discourse here is approaching an eighth grade level. Seriously. A lot of old timers say "it used to be so much better when..." and I hate to say it, but it's true. A long time ago*, people used to be a lot more respectful to others, people didn't attack each other, people of opposing viewpoints could bring their perspective to a topic and not just point out knee jerk political viewpoints and philosophies. Everyday I see the place getting more and more "mainstream" with all the closed minds and inflexible opinions that come with that.

Be prepared for the upcoming experiment at MetaFilter.

(I know I should just take a vacation from the site, but really, this place doesn't run on its own. I'm spending more time everyday here cleaning up self-posts, watching people attack each other, and banning IPs and accounts. So instead I'm making some huge changes.)

* - and don't go back into the archives and show me a year old thread that got ugly. I know the place used to be better overall, and you're not going to convince me of otherwise, okay?
posted by mathowie on Apr 5, 2001 - 85 comments

two little peeves with the new get-up

two little peeves with the new get-up:

1. my prefs didn't carry over and I'm not sure how to customize metatalk to have smaller font sizes... [esp the new black n white header topics]

2. how do we click back to metafilter from metatalk? the ALT tag on the lefthand metatalk pic still sez metafiler but it just gets me to metatalk home currently...

posted by jessamyn on May 9, 2000 - 1 comment

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