4 posts tagged with cinema.
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Turkey Day 2017 with MST Club

Last year we discovered that our cytu.be video sharing room worked well with the official Shout Factory YouTube stream of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day marathon. So, presuming that it works so well again, some of us will be getting together to watch bad movies all day long, official style, and without having to compete with a horde of wanna-be-witty YouPotatoes in their chat. No, we can be wanna-be-witty all by ourselves, and starch-free, thank you! It'll be happening in the cytu.be room for MST Club starting Noon Eastern time and going for probably 12 hours. Drop by for the whole thing, or for just as long as you want, like when Uncle Noxious starts talking politics and you just need somewhere to GO. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone in the US, happy Just Another Day everyone else! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 22, 2017 - 29 comments

Moxie Cinema 2.0

Moxie Cinema 2.0 is box office boffo! MeFite Bjork24 and wife hand-built (with AskMe help) an independent theater with kitschy appeal that won Springfield, MO's Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2007 and last week moved to its new, hand-built 2-screen home. [more inside]
posted by planetkyoto on Dec 4, 2008 - 35 comments

Hi. I'm Diana Christensen, a racist lackey of the imperialist ruling circles.

I know this is last-minute, but is anyone in the L.A. area interested in a Paddy Chayefsky double-bill meetup at the New Beverly Cinema? They're playing a brand-new print of "Network" followed by "The Hospital". [more inside]
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese on Apr 3, 2008 - 20 comments

Please don't post spoilers.

PLEASE don't be a spoilsport! I can't understand why people gleefully post spoilers. In the thread linked below (read it if you want some movies spoiled), one poster proclaimed "15 years is well past the spoiler expiration date." Maybe this is a joke (i.e. Milk Carton expiration date), but if not I totally disagree. A young person might see an old movie for the first time. He deserves to see it unspoiled. [link] [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on Nov 5, 2005 - 66 comments

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