10 posts tagged with communication.
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Interviewees wanted!
The Moderation Oversight Committee is hoping to get properly up and running soon, and a big part of that is going to be a submission process so we can receive and discuss users' issues with moderation practices in an orderly fashion.
As of now, we have a draft version of a Google Form that we're pretty happy with as the mechanism for receiving requests, but we'd like your help refining and finalizing that form before we give it the big public roll-out. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: If this thread is rockin', don't come knockin'
For our new round of Metatalktails, I want to ask about your communication headspace: When the phone rings, do you feel a) alarm, b) anticipation, c) curiosity, d) other? Same with doorbell / someone knocking at your front door. [more inside]
MetaMMO: Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!!!!!
Many mefites play MMO/MMORPGs and I thought it might be nice to create a space to share our contacts with one another so we can go on some raids together. Whether it's World of Warcraft (WoW), Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), Black Desert Online (BDO), Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2), Eve Online (EO), Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2), Runescape, Star Trek Online (STO), whatever MMO you play, let us share our gamer tags/contacts/character names and join in a virtual space of our choosing to get our game on.
MetaAnniversary: FizzRecordings? nightFizz?
On this exact date, one year ago, I messaged Nightrecordings via MeMail to discuss this post about Serena Williams at the US Open. One thing led to another and...we're now married. I wouldn't have the love of my life without this community. I want to thank everyone here who made that possible. Apologies for the selfishness of this MetaTalk. I love you Nightrecordings! ❤️
Can we focus more on the intent of a post, and less on the phrasing?
It seems to me that people are often attacked over a poor choice of words, while the rest of their post goes unacknowledged. [more inside]
Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent communication has gotten me past a lot of dead ends in conversations, and now I can't help but see how useful it could be in a lot conversations in a lot of threads. I was thinking maybe Metatalk could benefit from a general discussion on the nonviolent communication process and how it works. [more inside]
looking for a thread about communication
I remember (and am trying to find) an AskMe thread about communication/conversation which included a comment that described the following scenario: [more inside]
Still Comatose
Possibly problematic posts?
A couple recent AskMes have left me a little confused about how to address problematic, but not intentionally offensive assumptions. [more inside]
Let's be penpals
Remember pen pals? Wouldn't it be fun/awesome to have one again? [more inside]