4 posts tagged with computer.
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Do a least 35 mefites play Marvel Puzzle Quest?

About three weeks ago MPQ was mentioned in a thread on the blue. At least 35 members favorited comments referencing the game. I play this game... [more inside]
posted by vrakatar on May 1, 2022 - 23 comments

Name that awkward computer scientist!

He is known for picking his toes up on the desk while speaking, writes his own eccentric appearance contracts, and refuses to drink Coke for political reasons. My co-workers don't believe he exists, but I know I read about him here. Thanks!
posted by drjimmy11 on Jan 11, 2013 - 2 comments

Son of "a desk is a dangerous place, redux"

I know I asked this about 10 months ago, but I'm so excited about my new proper work desk! Our workplace was remodeled during the summer; my old desk was demolished and I was working from a large Rubbermaid cart until this beauty showed up. So please indulge me, and join me: "Show us your desks again, pretty please!" [more inside]
posted by Lynsey on Jan 26, 2012 - 108 comments

What's the fake radar website?

Find-that-Question: A while ago there was a question about a website/application that would throw all sorts of cool little radar screens and such up on the screen. I think it ultimately was used to make a background in a news conference? I'm not sure. But can anyone find it? I'm tried searching for all combinations (wha? "combinations" isn't in the FF 3.5 dictionary) of computer, screen, movie, radar, and website. Help :/
posted by niles on Aug 28, 2009 - 8 comments

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