5 posts tagged with contactform.
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Contact Form failing to Send

Unfortunately, a bug was causing contact form messages from people with e-mail addresses @aol.com and @yahoo.com.(something) to not be sent.

I'm really sorry. This should now be fixed, and if contact form messages aren't being sent out in the future, I'll receive a notification about that.
posted by frimble on Mar 20, 2019 - 25 comments

FYI: Contact Form Seems to not work on Android (Dolplhin Browser)

Last night, I tried to use the MetaFilter contact form. I had some technical difficulties with it. I tried to search to see if this a known issue with the contact form. I did not find anything but my MetaFilter search fu isn't the greatest. I thought I would just let you know, in case you didn't already know (and in case there is some stupidly simple solution should I ever need to use the form again). [more inside]
posted by Michele in California on Apr 25, 2013 - 16 comments

Reminder: Please update your Mefi contact email if it's getting moldy

This is just a PSA to remind you that we use the email you have attached to your account to answer contact emails from you (unless you change it manually in the email field on the contact page), and sometimes to get in touch with you if there is a problem with a post or comment, so please make sure that it is a working address. You can change or update your email in your profile preferences under "Contact Preferences," as well as choose whether you want it to be visible to other users, and if you want Mefi mail forwarded to your email. [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 18, 2013 - 39 comments

Contact form to mefi mail?

Can the contact form have the option of choosing where a response from the mods is sent if one is forthcoming? [more inside]
posted by maxwelton on Aug 31, 2010 - 85 comments

Is the contact form bugged out?

Having problem with the contact form. Don't know if admins got my message. [more inside]
posted by dabitch on Apr 20, 2008 - 33 comments

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