16 posts tagged with donation.
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All Hail Night_Owl, 2024 Champion of MeFi Reboot Fantasy Football
With a regular season record of 11-4, Night_Owl's "Won't You Be My Naybors" defeated "Stroud Proud" (12-3) for the championship.
As promised, I donated $100 to MetaFilter in honor of Night_Owl's victory (receipts upon request), and offer this post as proof of her cunning and skill. She may brag on all of us who participated, and, frankly, all of you who didn't participate, whom she clearly also beat.
A Long Bet Pays Off
Cool news from Archive.org:
11 years ago, on the site longbets.org, a friendly wager was made between two mavens of the web: Jeremy Keith and Matthew Haughey. The bet, to be revisited a decade and a year later, would be whether the URL of their wager at Long Bets would survive to a point in the semi-distant future. That is, this day, February 22nd, 2022, (2/22/2222).[more inside]
As of this writing, the URL absolutely has survived.
Trivial Donation
Metafilter’s quasi-official Seattle Trivia team Manifest Destiny’s Child has, in a follow-up to last week’s 20th anniversary triumph, won again this week.
As we (this week: Errant and party (if you’d sign up, you could get an actual name), clew, cgc373, Slarty Bartfast and yr obt svt) did last week, we are donating our winnings to the site (a bit less impressive at $32 but that’s what we got).
We’d like to encourage any other MeFi groups that might come into similar riches to think of the goodness that is Metafilter and help sustain this forum.
★ I help fund MetaFilter!
Did you know that there's a Chrome extension that will let you add Metafilter's Amazon affiliate code to every Amazon link you click? It also adds the tag every time you navigate directly to Amazon. It works on all international Amazon sites and a couple of other Amazon-related sites. [more inside]
Achievement Unlocked, Again
Speaking of love, as a quick followup to this post about this year's MefightClub donation drive for the Child's Play charity, we've wrapped it up with a total of $5500 dollars donated, beating last year's total and easily surpassing our goal. [more inside]
Child's Play Charity collects money, toys, and video games to improve the lives of the young patients in children's hospitals across the world. Over at MefightClub we've just started our third annual annual donation drive. [previously] [previouslier] If you'd like to donate too, we'd love for you to do so under the MefightClub as MeFi-offshoot banner, but donation any which way would be a fine thing for you to do. It is a Good Cause. [more inside]
Help a friend and fellow mefite in need!
The AskMe thread on blood donation by gay men really needs a MeTa outlet.
The AskMe thread on blood donation by gay men needs a MeTa outlet. [more inside]
Paypal update
Paypal update: after two weeks of stalling, it's off to final review. Results should come in a few more days. [more inside]
taosbat SOS
Tragic news from one of our own. May I be the first to suggest we get a best answer for this question and make donations as a group? I don't know what else to do. Ideas?
Donations to Mefi warmly accepted
Remember all those times you said "I'd pay to help keep MetaFilter safe and running more smoothly"? Here's your chance.
Donating to MeFi from overseas (UK)
This is a right piss-off.
Feeling flush enough to donate to Mefi for the first time ever...[more inside]
Feeling flush enough to donate to Mefi for the first time ever...[more inside]
Amazon donation bug
Clicking on the "Donate" link brings me to the Amazon donation page, then kicks out to the home page. I'm using MSIE 5.5:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)
teach a man to fish
MetaFilter reaches $1000 on Amazon
Hey, since MetaFilter just reached a thousand bucks on Amazon (plus some unknown amount on PayPal...) don'tcha folks think Matt should take Kay out to dinner or something, as his reward for doing all this work?
I know that would be at least as exciting as another 128MB of RAM or whatever...
I know that would be at least as exciting as another 128MB of RAM or whatever...
Cheap bastards
from todays' dack.com
"What's wrong with this picture? In a few short weeks Andrew Sullivan's weblog has collected almost $3500 in microdonations. By contrast, Metafilter -- a community site where people feel like stakeholders, and presumably have a greater motivation for giving -- has been stuck at about $750 for weeks. Are the musings of a Catholic gay conservative really that popular? Or are Metafilter readers just cheap bastards?"
"What's wrong with this picture? In a few short weeks Andrew Sullivan's weblog has collected almost $3500 in microdonations. By contrast, Metafilter -- a community site where people feel like stakeholders, and presumably have a greater motivation for giving -- has been stuck at about $750 for weeks. Are the musings of a Catholic gay conservative really that popular? Or are Metafilter readers just cheap bastards?"