12 posts tagged with down.
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Broken button in blue: bounce to bottom borked

Seems as if the little arrow that takes you to the bottom of a post (I swear I knew what it was called once) isn't working for me on mobile. [more inside]
posted by zinful on Jan 20, 2018 - 23 comments

Who broke metafilter?

Is something weird going on with metafilter today? Sometimes I can't get to any of the pages ("Oops! Google Chrome could not find www.metafilter.com"), and sometimes it's just metatalk or my own profile. I don't think I've got through to my own profile page in about six hours now, but the other pages are up and down. Is it just me?
posted by lollusc on Feb 11, 2011 - 72 comments

Can't access Metafilter

Suddenly I can't access metafilter.com any more. [more inside]
posted by turkeyphant on Dec 10, 2010 - 46 comments

Static Server Offline

Static server outage. The site will have some problems until we get this sorted out. [more inside]
posted by pb on Mar 24, 2010 - 231 comments

Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = ?

Proving the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory - a follow-on to the More Alike than Different Campaign links I posted [more inside]
posted by plinth on Mar 14, 2010 - 2 comments

Trisomy 21, General Information

Regarding this post and this MeTa thread, a few facts for you. [more inside]
posted by plinth on Sep 16, 2008 - 151 comments

NYC meetup at Double Down

Reminder! NYC meetup tonight at the Double Down Saloon on Avenue A and Houston.
posted by gaspode on Sep 27, 2006 - 24 comments

Metafilter down?

I was moved to poetry this morning.

Metafilter down;
Sad tidings of the morning.
What shall I read now?


Shall I compare thee to the New York Times?
Thou art more lovely and less temperate.
Rough winds do shake the Gulf below us,
And the Roberts confirmation needs debate.

(appologies to Mr. Shakespeare)
posted by leapingsheep on Sep 23, 2005 - 46 comments

MetaFilter Offline

Was anyone else offline last night between 6 & 11 p.m. PDT besides me?
posted by Lynsey on Jun 9, 2003 - 11 comments

What did other mefiers do during the outage?

I'm curious, what did other mefiers do during the outage? I'm 1/3 through the first volume of a certain story by Proust, although to be fair I've had a lot of free time these past few days.
posted by Settle on Apr 23, 2002 - 49 comments

Metafilter is back!

Thank god it's back!
posted by sudama on Mar 19, 2001 - 6 comments

MetaFilter outage

FYI: MetaFilter was down for about three hours this morning because of a shoddy power chord. The power chord could wiggle a little bit in the back of the server, and when it did, sometimes the power connection would break. This would happen occasionally as people walked right next to it, jostling it ever so slightly. Today though, it looks like it happened at 6 in the morning in a locked office, so I replaced the chord with one that won't cause it to power down.
posted by mathowie on Apr 28, 2000 - 6 comments

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