10 posts tagged with emotionallabor.
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Mefispotting: Longform Ep 432 with Jess Zimmerman (emotional labor)

This week's Longform podcast is with Jess Zimmerman. At 32:00, Zimmerman talks about her “Where’s My Cut?”: On Unpaid Emotional Labor piece on The Toast and the epic 2015 Metafilter thread that transpired. Zimmerman and the host, Evan Ratliff, both say nice things about Metafilter!
posted by adrianhon on Mar 11, 2021 - 3 comments

Crone Island might be real

Or so says the NYT.
posted by k8t on Oct 2, 2019 - 13 comments

The Grey Chrone?

Metafilter emotional labor thread in the NYT.
posted by k8t on Nov 20, 2018 - 27 comments

“Where’s My Cut?” has disappeared

Any idea wher I can find Jess Zimmerman’s piece ““Where’s My Cut?”: On Unpaid Emotional Labor”. Since The Toast folded, I haven’t been able to find it. (Thanks Google.)
posted by pt68 on Jan 31, 2018 - 11 comments

Another MeFi author sighting

If you read the short story Cat Person in the New Yorker and the NYT interview with author Kristen Roupenian, maybe you wondered what other MeFites thought of it, because it seemed to be right up Metafilter's alley. So did the author. Congratulations to MeFi's Own Sock Person Cat Puppet, who has great taste in sockpuppet usernames, among many other things.
posted by RedOrGreen on Dec 11, 2017 - 29 comments

Shoutout in Bitch Media re emotional labour

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, writer of the Modest Proposal for a Fair Trade Emotional Labor Economy essay linked on Mefi recently, talks about the Metafilter emotional labour thread on a podcast with Bitch Media discussing her artile.
posted by divabat on Jul 21, 2017 - 5 comments

The Year of Emotional Labor

Happy one-year anniversary to the emotional labor thread! Any reports from the field on changes (big or small, temporary or permanent, concrete or otherwise) Jess Zimmerman's article and the testimonies in the thread engendered (pun intended) in your life?
posted by sallybrown on Jul 15, 2016 - 33 comments

The Annotated Emotional Labor Post!

I saw this on The Mary Sue, referring to this document which has the thread, annotated. The original being here.
posted by mephron on Jan 6, 2016 - 674 comments

Out of the Blue, episode #2: On emotional labor, with Jess Zimmerman

On July 13th, the writer Jess Zimmerman posted “Where’s My Cut?”: On Unpaid Emotional Labor on The Toast, an essay about how and why emotional work is often undervalued and treated as "women's work". Or, more to the point, not even work: just something women are inherently supposed to do. It's a good piece, and what it spawned was even more interesting: a huge, revelatory MetaFilter thread in which site members, women in particular, talked about all the ways this asymmetry and devaluation of emotional labor has affected their lives and their relationships. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Sep 15, 2015 - 48 comments

Emotional [Labor] Rescue

I just wanted to call out as fabulous this thread on the concept of emotional labor. It shifted something in the way I see the world and made obvious so many things I noticed every day but thought of as disconnected. There are so many fascinating, honest, brutal, mind-altering stories in that thread; it is worth anyone's time to read it, even if you think you might not be interested. [more inside]
posted by sallybrown on Jul 16, 2015 - 315 comments

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