7 posts tagged with exchange.
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I'd like to start a local bookstore bookmark exchange.

Kind of a summer project for myself. Selfishly, I'd love to have cool bookmarks from bookstores from across North America and maybe the world! [more inside]
posted by Shepherd on Jul 13, 2024 - 59 comments

Appreciate your MeFi Holiday Cards here!

This is your MeFi Holiday Card Exchange appreciation thread! I have received my most awesome cards ever and am feeling like I definitely need to up my card exchange game next year! ALL cards have been lovely but I especially want to thank whoever sent my dog the brilliant little crinkly dog toy and the person who sent the rainbow solstice window cling thingy. In typical fashion I mislaid the envelopes, but THANK YOU! <3
posted by HotToddy on Dec 22, 2022 - 24 comments

Calling all Cards!

Having just mailed my cards for Project G.I.V.E. M.E. (that is, Great Internet Valentine Exchange, Metafilter Edition), and having had at least as much fun as I did with the winter holiday cards, I'm wondering if there's enough momentum and interest for another project. [more inside]
posted by The Underpants Monster on Feb 7, 2018 - 41 comments

Hyper-local item exchange!

Mayor West's idea for a beer exchange seems like a pretty good one. Is it illegal? If not, can we do it? If yes, maybe we could do an exchange in the same spirit that is legal? [more inside]
posted by cubby on Feb 22, 2016 - 57 comments

Secret Quonsar: The run-up, the run-down, and general preparation (2010)

It's that time of year again! For the past several years, we've enjoyed swapping gifts in a secret Quonsar swap. I'll be organizing it this year (with the help of Indigo Rain, last year's organizer) My goal is to open signups on November 15, and do the ceremonial giftee random draw on (American) Thanksgiving Day, which is November 25th. Before we open the floodgates to this year's Secret Quonsar, there is one outstanding issue we need to resolve. [more inside]
posted by julen on Nov 3, 2010 - 78 comments

Let's bag some better bags!

A Multi-Region, Multi-National, MeFi Reusable Shopping Bag Swap. Interested? [more inside]
posted by Shepherd on Jul 5, 2010 - 164 comments

Wii friend code exchange

It Is Now Wii Friend Code Time
posted by boo_radley on Nov 30, 2006 - 26 comments

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