6 posts tagged with fanfic.
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Help finding a comment about saving characters in fanfics

I'm looking for a comment which I believe was on Metafilter (although I could be conflating it with another site) within the last couple of years. If I'm remembering it correctly, it was in a discussion about or related to fandom or fanfiction, and the comment was something like "when people put a lot of energy into saving a particular character, on some level they're putting that energy into saving themselves." This is precisely what I did, and I've wanted to refer to that comment several times, but I've never been able to find it. Does it ring a bell for anyone?
posted by shirobara on May 14, 2019 - 5 comments

Look on these works, ye mighty, and rejoice

Judging by the brilliance of comments Mefites are amazing writers, and I for one would love to read your fanfic! [more inside]
posted by hapaxes.legomenon on Feb 19, 2019 - 26 comments

That's a lot of Stucky. (MeFi Fanfic Rec List Checklist)

Back a month-ish ago, Cozybee posted an ask for recommended fanfiction. Friends, we recommended 239 fics. That's a lot of links to keep track of. Being that you're all great people, I really wanted to give them all a try. And I'm kind of a completest and overly-organized for no good reason, and so...I made a spreadsheet. [more inside]
posted by greermahoney on Sep 6, 2018 - 44 comments

Harry Potter digest-sized fanfic blog with lesser characters?

Someone posted a blog here on MeTa a few years(?) ago that was a series of short fictions on lesser HP characters like Goyle and Lee Jordan and how their lives went after the Battle of Hogwarts. Goyle was a petty criminal turned boxer and Lee Jordan was in a boring desk job instead of a play-by-play announcer like he'd always dreamed of doing. What was that called? Thanks in advance.
posted by ostranenie on May 16, 2017 - 15 comments

Should I eat this?

What if the characters of TV's Hannibal used AskMe to solve their trickiest Problems From Everyday Life? It is hilarious and challenging: Match usernames to characters from the show.
[via Projects, by tel3path and The Whelk] [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Nov 16, 2013 - 25 comments

AskMe Has Changed My Life

Back on April 20--three full weeks ago--I saw this AskMe about Sherlock/Watson fanfic, and idly clicked on it. Then I followed a few links, because why not? I'm a curious sort of person. [more inside]
posted by not that girl on May 12, 2013 - 185 comments

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