6 posts tagged with favorites and feature.
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Things I favorited by my contacts?

Is there an easy way to see, for each of my contacts or for an individual user who is a contact, things that _I_ have favorited? This would be a quick way for me to remind myself why I have marked that user as a contact. [more inside]
posted by amtho on Oct 24, 2016 - 5 comments

Are we counting favorites the right way?

On our user pages, the two numbers tracked for favorites count different things. The first one is a count of how many individual comments I have favorited. The second number is a count of how many times everyone has favorited a comment of mine. The description of that second number, "Favorited by others," is sort of misleading, I think, because it doesn't count individual comments the way the first number does. [more inside]
posted by emelenjr on Oct 5, 2016 - 37 comments

Define "Interesting."

Pony Request: Additional Posts and Comments on the "Popular" page. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Feb 15, 2012 - 15 comments

Favorites now displayed on profile page.

Your user page now tells you how many of your contributions were saved as favorites by others, and there's a page showing you the favorites. Yes, I'm aware that the stuff saved as a favorite by multiple people gets repeated. I'll fix that this week. For the moment, it at least gives you an insight into what others liked that you wrote. Here's my user page showing 148 things I wrote were saved as favorites, and here they are.
posted by mathowie on Jun 25, 2006 - 52 comments

Suggested Feature: Subscribe to Posts

I would love a feature that allows you to "subscribe" to certain posts, coupled with the ability to view all "subscribed" posts. This way it would be easier to track the progress of certain threads that you do not participate in (you can obviously track those threads through the "my comments" page.
posted by charmston on Feb 9, 2006 - 2 comments

Thoughts on a new thread-tracking feature?

Oooh, new feature idea brought to my attention by Bryan Boyer: Letting users track threads of their choosing. So you come in, see some long thread about how gas costs too much and you want to track just that thread. You'd click some link, and I'm thinking that the top of the page should say "1 new link and 4 new comments since your last visit, 3 new comments in the 4 threads you are tracking" and I suppose hyperlink to just those threads. I can display it any old way, would that be the most helpful, or should there be a new page with just your favorite threads (a "MyMetaFilter")? Would *you* use something like this? I know I would...
posted by mathowie on Mar 29, 2000 - 19 comments

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