5 posts tagged with favorites and tracking.
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Easy thread monitoring, without throwaway comments?

Whatever happened to the idea that soon we'd be able to flag a thread as "watch," so that one doesn't have to post some crappy comment just to ensure the thread appears in one's "My Comments" list? There are many threads I wish to monitor, and few I wish to actually comment upon.
posted by five fresh fish on Mar 17, 2006 - 11 comments

Watching Threads

How much flak will I catch if I start using "." to mark threads that I want to track on my "My Comments" page? I ask because there are several interesting threads that I want to monitor but in which I don't necessarily wish to post a message.
posted by five fresh fish on Aug 11, 2004 - 35 comments

Is there a plan for a thread tracking feature?

It struck me that it would be useful to mark interesting threads for tracking so I checked the MetaTalk archives and found that the idea had been raised originally back in the mists of time and then followed up much more recently. And yet I still don't know if it's been forgotten, abandoned or taken on board as an urgent priority. Would a "Features in Progress" page help? Or be a nagging schedule?
posted by MUD on Jul 8, 2002 - 2 comments

Can we get a thread tracker?

Often, it is complained that threads scroll off of the page too quickly, etc. Perhaps some sort of thread-tracking like that suggested here could help.
posted by j.edwards on Jan 4, 2002 - 4 comments

Thoughts on a new thread-tracking feature?

Oooh, new feature idea brought to my attention by Bryan Boyer: Letting users track threads of their choosing. So you come in, see some long thread about how gas costs too much and you want to track just that thread. You'd click some link, and I'm thinking that the top of the page should say "1 new link and 4 new comments since your last visit, 3 new comments in the 4 threads you are tracking" and I suppose hyperlink to just those threads. I can display it any old way, would that be the most helpful, or should there be a new page with just your favorite threads (a "MyMetaFilter")? Would *you* use something like this? I know I would...
posted by mathowie on Mar 29, 2000 - 19 comments

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