23 posts tagged with fiction.
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thesmallmachine won a Lammy!

thesmallmachine has just won the 2019 LGBTQ SF/F/Horror Lambda Literary Award for his amazing book, The Breath of the Sun. Congratulations!
posted by kyrademon on Jun 4, 2019 - 39 comments

ISO short story in recipe blog format

Some time ago a story in recipe blog format where some kind of natural disaster/apocalypse was happening and the blog's author was taking in other children + trying to keep her own family afloat was posted to the blue, I think in a post that aggregated multiple noteworthy stories, possibly for being nominated for something. Have been trying unsuccessfully to find it. [more inside]
posted by Cozybee on Aug 29, 2017 - 4 comments

Find-that-post-filter: standardized test editor butchers a short story.

Pretty sure I saw this on Metafilter, but I don't recall it well enough to find it using search. The author of a cute and thought-provoking little short story gave permission for the story to be used, slightly edited, on a standardized test. The exam editor completely rewrote the story, adding a character, woodenizing the dialogue, and changing the ending. Trying to imagine where I lived when I read it, I figure that 2006--2009 was a more likely time period that 2010--2012. [more inside]
posted by fantabulous timewaster on Jan 5, 2017 - 10 comments

Examples of MetaFilter used as a platform for creative writing?

Are there any good examples of Mefites using MetaFilter threads as a space for creative writing? One example might be scarabic's infamous how to dispose of a body comment. I don't mean hoax posts, which aren't intended as "fiction".
posted by dontjumplarry on Jul 26, 2016 - 54 comments

Label fiction please?

In this post there is a fictional tale. The title/body of the post itself does not contain any indication this is fictional. [more inside]
posted by el io on Sep 25, 2015 - 201 comments

Looking for a post on the Blue featuring a fairytale webcomic

I remember this appeared on Metafilter but I can't find the original post. I think it featured a female artist/illustrator or graphic novelist. She writes and illustrates gothic-ish fairytales / folktales. [more inside]
posted by aielen on Aug 10, 2015 - 5 comments

Time travel / Science Fiction writers (can't find thread)

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, I tried MetaChat, too, but there was a thread I now can't find, it was about science fiction writers and the problem with writing from a place of omniscience when writing this time of science fiction. Anyone know what I'm talking about. I wanted to read it during lunch, can't find it!
posted by MoxieProxy on Sep 5, 2014 - 6 comments

shakespeherian's Choose Your Own Adventure by Committee #7!

What do lights in the sky, the Chelyabinsk meteor, a flood in South Dakota in 1972, a Cowboy Church, and potato scabies all have in common? [more inside]
posted by carsonb on May 31, 2013 - 43 comments

I can't find it

Can someone point me to a post (in ask.me I think) that featured examples of good science-fiction in non-Western Europe settings? [more inside]
posted by oddman on Aug 17, 2012 - 24 comments

Comment fiction

Is there much in the way of comment fiction? Has anyone collected it? Thinking about things like this.
posted by curious nu on Feb 8, 2012 - 85 comments

War of the Wor(l)ds

As part of a test of the beta version of a Web project I've been working on, MeFites The Whelk and robocop is bleeding are going to throw down in a half-hour no-words-barred fiction writing battle next Tuesday at Fiction Fights! [more inside]
posted by Shepherd on Oct 6, 2011 - 63 comments

National Novel Writing Month

Anyone up for NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month begins in just a week: participants devote the month of November to a 50,000 word blitz. Here's a thread where MeFites can share past experiences and future intentions. [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Oct 24, 2010 - 182 comments

2027 in Britain, Again

Update-filter: Interactive fiction Flash Game The Curfew, mentioned and discussed at length in this now-closed post is out of beta and actually playable. Also, have you noticed how much dystopian sci-fi is set in 2027? It's the new 2019!
posted by Happy Dave on Sep 17, 2010 - 7 comments

I'm a little lost here, were do I put this?

I asked a question in AskMe about a story I'm writing, now the story is pretty much finished, and I'd like to share -- just in case anyone is interested. But I'm not sure how. [more inside]
posted by patheral on Sep 2, 2010 - 23 comments

seething homophobia. seething.

In the recent thread on the pitfalls of writing realistic LGBT characters, I stated how I didn't feel the "predatory gay man" trope was completely out of line given how I had encountered such people in real life. Great nastiness ensued. [more inside]
posted by dunkadunc on Jan 4, 2010 - 593 comments

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place with Smart, Creative People

Do you write long-form fiction? Do you live in New York? Let's start a writers' group. [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on May 4, 2009 - 30 comments

How to Read is Something for Everyone.

My AskMe from this morning was answered beautifully, with depth and consideration. As it is right now, at 20:07 EST, it is a beautiful little anthology on How to Read. I would shamelessly nominate it for the sidebar.
posted by Tufa on Jan 29, 2009 - 60 comments

Announcing the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology!

Announcing the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology! Previously suggested by Effigy2000, the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology is a chance for all us writer-type or vaguely-writer-type Mefites to get together and write write write! We'll be taking a "Thieves' World" approach to our writing with each story in the Anthology taking place in a setting first posited by Mefi's Own L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg and then fleshed out by himself and members of the Mefi community. All who are interested are encouraged to join in! [more inside]
posted by robocop is bleeding on Jan 7, 2008 - 166 comments

Zombies vs. bears vs. monkeys

This is a great question but it didn't include the obligatory "For the purposes of a work of fiction..." disclaimer to keep it from being deleted as hypothetical filter.
posted by allkindsoftime on Aug 10, 2007 - 29 comments

How about a MefiFiction?

Would adding a feature to upload original stories similar to Mefi Music be of interest to anyone?
posted by sluglicker on May 5, 2007 - 48 comments

Recommand some books set in Israel.

So, pace this post, I'm looking for good books (fiction or non, but prefer fiction) with modern-day Israel as the primary setting. Recommendations?
posted by scrump on Mar 14, 2006 - 12 comments

"Please read the link" callout

Metafilter fascism: Please click on the link at least once *before* filling up the thread with stupid comments. In this case, the poster (matteo) merely quotes pieces of a work of fiction before delmoi and TargetPractice jump in with knees in full-jerk mode.
posted by vacapinta on Feb 28, 2005 - 30 comments

Should fictional posts be allowed to stand?

It's not a hoax, it's fiction. Marquis has apologized for any potential offense, and hey, it was cleverly done. Going forward, is a "fictional" post more appropriate for a blog? Does this exploit the membership for one's own purposes, however artistic? (But don't all posts do that?) Or is it a question of trust?

Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!
posted by onlyconnect on Sep 25, 2002 - 33 comments

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