2 posts tagged with giftswap2020.
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MetaFilter Gift Swap 2020 THANK YOU!

I just want to kick the thread off and thank my (seemingly anonymous) gifter for their awesome FRAMED Watership Down triptych. Your generosity, thoughtfulness, and creativity have me overwhelmed. I can't wait to hang it up in my new home. I hope that everyone is as touched by their gift and enjoy theirs as much as I do mine. This secret gift exchange always reminds me how lovely and generous we are to each other here on Metafilter. Wishing you all the happiest days ahead!
posted by KingEdRa on Nov 9, 2020 - 320 comments

MetaFilter Gift Swap 2020 Sign-ups

Signups for the 2020 MetaFilter Gift Swap are now open! The Metafilter Gift Swap takes place annually from roughly November - January. It used to have another name, but times change and so have we! Each participant sends a gift to an awesome Mefite; each participant receives a gift from an awesome Mefite. Awesomeness and gifts abound. The dates this year are: Signups Oct 13 - Oct 28; Assignments Nov 1; Send-by Dec 1. [more inside]
posted by curious nu on Oct 13, 2020 - 80 comments

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