2 posts tagged with glitchgame.
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Must the memory of the dream of Ur fade from the minds of mefites?

On December 15, pb retired a number of Social Apps that had zero users or no longer existed from profile pages- including the one for Glitch, the weird cult non-game that eventually became a glorified IRC Client unicorn. However, all of the old user pages for the game's players continue to live on at glitch.com. Couldn't we keep the memory of our participation in this weird little thing that once existed around for posterity? (Or maybe let people know when social apps are going to be cleared from their profiles?)
posted by Going To Maine on Dec 18, 2015 - 24 comments


Could we add Glitch to the profile social apps? There's already a MetaFilter group there and there are a lot of social aspects to the game. The more people you know in the game, the more fun it is. Thanks!
posted by ColdChef on Oct 21, 2011 - 148 comments

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