12 posts tagged with gratitude.
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Thanks, chariot pulled by cassowaries

This is a public thank you to chariot pulled by cassowaries for their frequent posts of good news from the natural world. It brightens my day to read about plants and animals recovering adversity, and people being not-terrible in helping them. Cheers to you.
posted by seanmpuckett on Apr 6, 2024 - 45 comments

Secret Quonsar 2019 THANK YOU!

Thrilled and honored to be the first to post a THANK YOU to -- I don't know who specifically, but the kind and generous soul who honored my request to be sent "anything made of dark chocolate that comes from their corner of the universe." I am now the very, very happy recipient of 6 glorious bars of superior dark chocolate from Toronto. I shall savor every bite. [more inside]
posted by pjsky on Nov 15, 2019 - 431 comments

Publicly thanking a Mefite

Is there an area of MetaFilter for publicly appreciating an especially generous poster? [more inside]
posted by R2WeTwo on Apr 9, 2019 - 17 comments

Smells like teen spirit

As of yesterday I have been a member of this site for eighteen years. In Mefi years I am old enough to vote. I joined while in grad school at the university of Louisville. I just wanted to thank everyone for their help and insights over the years. [more inside]
posted by mecran01 on May 23, 2018 - 23 comments

Just a note of thanks, really

Hey hey. After a year and a half in gestation, I'm in the process of wrapping up a manuscript for delivery to my publisher this week. And so now I'm finally getting to what is, by far, my favorite aspect of working on a book, which is writing the Acknowledgments. And you're in them! [more inside]
posted by adamgreenfield on Aug 15, 2016 - 41 comments

As a lurker, thank you, MetaFilter, for so much.

I've lurked here since at least 2011. If the following sounds like hyperbole, it's not: MetaFilter has been a huge, positive, and transforming part of my life. I need to say something now or never. I'll try to keep the emotionality at a minimum. No promises, though, so forgive me in advance. [more inside]
posted by quiet earth on May 20, 2014 - 39 comments

Thanks, MeFi Jobs!

There's been a lot of contention on MetaFilter lately (and MetaTalk, too), so I want to take a moment to thank Matt H. and the mods and The Programmer and all of the MetaFilter community because you guys got me my newest employee. I can't be alone in this, and I would love to hear from other people who have found the site of value to them professionally. [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt on Sep 30, 2013 - 25 comments

Mefi does obesity well

The obesity-as-disease thread is going much, much better than I expected it to, and I just wanted to thank all those responsible. [more inside]
posted by flabdablet on Jun 20, 2013 - 60 comments

Dear AskMe: Thanks.

I don't know y'all's addresses so I'm sending my thank-you note c/o MetaTalk. [more inside]
posted by headnsouth on Jun 11, 2013 - 40 comments

Thanks, y'all.

I want to thank the mods for their stewardship of the site during this U.S. election season. [more inside]
posted by Diablevert on Nov 7, 2012 - 83 comments

Update on K & S

Update on K & S (and the effects of your support). [more inside]
posted by fake on Jun 11, 2010 - 243 comments

Best $5 I ever spent.

AskMe saved me more than TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Thank you! Thank you! [more inside]
posted by visual mechanic on Jun 18, 2009 - 51 comments

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