5 posts tagged with habits.
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Whatever happened to... Habit Judo?
A while back on MeFi (2011) apparently user Leotrotsky described an intriguing habit-building system he deemed Habit Judo, which as I understood it was essentially a gamification system for developing habits. I was so intrigued at the time, but I guess I never *surprise surprise* developed the habit of looking further into it. It appears that a spreadsheet of some sort was developed (and mentioned in the Guardian), and even spun off Android and iOS apps, both of which appear to be down. So I've a few questions... [more inside]
Do you have resolutions? MeFites can help!
Team MetaFilter is (still!) on HealthMonth, and it's a great way to get support and encouragement for healthy habits and positive life changes. [more inside]
A gentle request from your Health Month organizer
It's almost a new month, and we all know Health Month is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Team MetaFilter is reserved for actual MeFites.
I've now got a dozen requests to join the team from people whose names on Health Month don't match users on MetaFilter. I don't want to needlessly blow people off. If you have asked to join the team, and haven't been added, please shoot me a message on MeMail, and I will add you posthaste so that you can get rolling for August. Thanks!
habits & gamification on wiki
Too many questions?
I'd like to talk a little bit about using AskMeFi but not MetaFilter. [more inside]