62 posts tagged with help.
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Help with new user signups wanted

¡Finalmente! I'm finally going to turn on new user signups, and I'm shooting for doing it on Monday. But I could use some help [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Nov 26, 2003 - 201 comments

Where do I find my member number?

sorry to ask what I'm sure is a stupid question. Where do I find my member number? I'm trying to sign up for the CD swap and that field is required. I've looked high and low, and I'm stumped.
posted by pejamo on Feb 17, 2003 - 6 comments

help me with posting a link in a thread

I'm new to this so I was wondering if someone could help me with posting a link in a thread. When the prompt comes up for the url, I copy and paste it. But when I preview it, it doesn't come out as a link but the whole thing with the brackets and all. (I don't know what you call that) I figured it would come out ok as the link when it was posted, but it didn't. Could someone please tell me with what I'm doing wrong?

posted by tami3_3 on Oct 15, 2002 - 75 comments

Jeez I hate CFMX.

Jeez I hate CFMX.

Help me out by posting all bugs you find here.
posted by mathowie on Jul 15, 2002 - 73 comments

HELP page

I don't see a MetaFilter HELP page anywhere...and I think some is needed.

For example, tinkering with Preview shows me that some HTML is accepted, but as it looks odd there apparently are restrictions that I can't find. I do see that a simple blank line is fine, and a Paragraph tag breaks the MF formatting.
posted by SEWilco on Sep 15, 2001 - 6 comments

Looking for someone out there who knows the ins and outs of greymatter

Looking for someone out there who knows the ins and outs of greymatter... Jonathan is having issues with it and photographica.org. It's choking on the update of the index page. He managed to get it going for a short while this morning, but when he tried to delete the dupes and test messages, it choked again. From the backside, off the greymatter control panel, it looks like people's entries are being saved, but the main page just isn't getting updated.

Can you help?
posted by crunchland on Jun 5, 2001 - 2 comments

Plotting zipcode data

Anyone have ideas on how to plot zipcode data? I haven't found anything free or near free on ESRI's site or at any of the ColdFusion code exchanges. Are there any opensource simple GIS programs? I could have sworn there was a mapping component to ArsDigita's ACS some group was working on. Anything in PHP? Perl?

I'm looking for something that can spit out a simple map of the US with little dots where the zip code data shows up.
posted by mathowie on May 15, 2001 - 21 comments



is there a way to dictate, using valid CSS, an area height using pxs that isn't dependant on content?

(that didn't make sense...)

ref: http://i.jcterminal.com/
i'm trying to make the header area (the orange spot that sez 'pigeon farm') exactly 75 px tall, but for some reason, i'm just not getting it. i think it's a brain fart, cuz i know it's damned obvious.

(this might be off topic, but i didn't see a 'help me with my weblog' section.
posted by jcterminal on May 11, 2001 - 6 comments

Napster question

I need help with napster, what does it mean when i am missing a WININET.DLL file??
ANy Help would be greatly appreciated. Cassie.
posted by Angel_22 on Jan 27, 2001 - 4 comments

I need html help

Can someone please point me to a FAQ or help section on this weird editor? I want to know specifically
a) how to post a link in a comment and
b) how to set bold, italics, other fonts, etc.

thanks. . .

posted by norm on Sep 13, 2000 - 3 comments

Cannot edit in IE 5.5

I recently switched to IE 5.5, and I've found that when I "go back to fix a problem" in a followup post, there's nothing there to edit. So I'm stuck with what I wrote the first time.

Oddly enough, I *can* go back to fix a problem on an original post. Is there a difference in how you're doing that on original posts and on followups?
posted by Steven Den Beste on Aug 20, 2000 - 3 comments

How should this look?

Since the nature of posts and discussion is different here, does anyone think the display should be different than MetaFilter's index page? Instead of time-based (by date) listing of topics, I'm wondering if this area should take on a UBB-style of display (see the glassdog boards as a prime example of these), where there are subject areas, and discussion threads below that. That way, there could be a permanent area for discussion of bugs, another thread permanently dedicated to feature requests, etc., let me know what you think because it could easily be done here.
posted by mathowie on Mar 4, 2000 - 3 comments

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