3 posts tagged with ical.
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New iCal Subscription URL

Hey meetup fans, we have a new iCalendar Meetups Subscription location. [more inside]
posted by pb on Sep 10, 2009 - 12 comments

iCal support for Meetups

I added some quick hacky iCal support to the upcoming meetups sidebar here on MetaTalk. Hit the "iCal" link to get a properly formatted calendar file you can subscribe to and see all the upcoming meetups in your calendar of choice. Here's what it looks like in iCal.
posted by mathowie on Nov 12, 2007 - 18 comments

a little calendar of upcoming MetaFilter events

Sorry to be posting again so soon, but, pursuant to Smart Dalek's request, I've put together a little calendar of upcoming MetaFilter events in iCal format. Nothing too fancy, just me manually adding events to the calendar as I receive them. Nothing is on the calendar yet, so submit something, already. Details on subscribing to (if you use iCal on Mac OS X 10.2.1 or later) or viewing the calendar are here. Hope you like it.
posted by mcwetboy on Nov 24, 2002 - 6 comments

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