24 posts tagged with illegal.
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"Is you takin' notes on a... criminal conspiracy?!"
In the poster's defense, kinder eggs are delicious and almost as addictive as heroin. But still, maybe memail or email would be a better choice for composing a list of businesses who sell illegal goods? Especially since helpful answerers are including some phone numbers and addresses on a publicly-accessible and search engine-indexed thread?
Can we just stop doing this?
This post is one of a number of posts I have seen on the site over the years exalting the dumb, dangerous, and illegal practice of trainhopping. Can we just call a moratorium on these posts? While I think I probably am more sensitive to this issue than most people here because reasons, I'd be exceptionally distressed and pained if someone were killed or injured doing something they saw romanticized on Metafilter.
It Does Seem Untoward
I didn't want to misbehave in the thread, so I'm here instead. This question is, at its core, asking for assistance in keeping a stolen computer. [more inside]
Is this really an appropriate AskMe?
I thought AskMe questions about illegal activities were against the guidelines? Is vandalism not an illegal activity?
What's Acceptable on AskMe When It Comes to Crime?
AskMe Questions About Crimes [more inside]
This will not wendell
Can we please consider deleting this question, on the basis that the poster, however sympathetic her personal situation might be, is asking for advice on something illegal or very potentially illegal?
Privacy or Criminal Activities?
It seems like there have been several questions lately about how to do things that make it easy to do illegal things or hide one's identity generally in a way that does not seem to have a legitimate purpose, or at the very least seems to only have a vague "I want to avoid harassment" or "I want to protect my privacy" purpose. What gives? [more inside]
Rolex! Five dollar!
I don't want to break the law, I'm just curious where I could go if I did.
wanna come over and watch a movie?
I download what I imagine might be legally construed as "copyrighted material" all thie time. But I'm actually upset with this post because I know some people that worked on US v. John Lennon. (Double standard, I know.) So are there any guidelines about posting full-length, copyrighted movies? Is this post this even in good taste? Where's the context? Does it have any intent other than to illegally distribute a movie? Is this even a problem?
AskMe: Hope me break the law!
Ask Metafilter: Help me become a professional shoplifter -- don't we have a guideline against helping people learn how to break the law via AskMe somewhere? Considering that repeat shoplifting is a felony, I think this would fall under that guideline.
illegal askme
"I forgot to mention that what I'm doing is not illegal and oh, I'm just asking for a friend anyways." (But it IS illegal.)
We give smoking advice to minors.
Too close to Arrrrrrr
Why is this thread still around? I know at least one admin has seen it, since my snarky response was removed. Is it now OK to ask for piracy how-to's?
Issues on sewing machine warez
I thought I'd clear up some of the issues raised in this (now closed - gee, thanks) Ask MeFi thread about sewing machine warez.
Aiding and abetting in AskMe.
Holocaust denier's website
If you click the main link in jonson's post, you go to a known Holocaust denier's website -- maybe you're at work and you don't want to do that, or maybe Holocaust denial is illegal in your country. Or maybe you just don't want to give traffic to the guy. Anyway, the link is there, and it's not tagged as nsfw.
Let's Discuss Marginally Illegal Questions
This is the kind of borderline/gray area/marginally illegal question I love to see in AskMe.
Dealing with illegal questions on AskMe
Do we need a note on the AskMe "post a question" page that says "Please don't ask for advice on how to do something illegal"?
Ok to ask about sneaking into Canada?
If you answer this question on sneaking into Canada you could be breaking Canadian law. The poster clearly wants to scam Citizenship and Immigration Canada, since when is this ok?
AskMe policy on dishonestly obtaining stuff
So questions about software piracy are not allowed, but discussions about other ways of dishonestly obtaining (discounts on) goods and services are OK? Seriously, where's the distinction?
Notification of need to cooperate with LEO?
I've noticed that many AskMe threads (like this one) dealing with potential crimes and/or civil suits could be subpoened as evidence if the right person connected the dots. Should there be a notice on the anonymous question page that Metafilter may be compelled by law to release the IP address of anonymous posters?
tsk tsk - askme and illegal activity
In this post about music downloading the subject of ask.metafilter questions being used for illegal means [+MI]
Grey areas in AskMe
The AskMe thread on faking one's death seems to skirt the same grey area as several of the deleted warez-related inquiries. Not to be a prude, of course -it's ust that curiousity like this could be bad for our ponies.
Will MetaFilter soon be illegal?
Will MetaFilter soon be illegal? (or more likely Fark.COM)? The Ninth Circuit Count ruled in February that linking to copyrighted material was illegal. The actual ruling was that inline linking or framing of content (like Google Image Search) infringes on the public display rights for copyrighted material.
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