8 posts tagged with jeopardy.
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Another mefite on Jeopardy

When I tuned in to Jeopardy tonight one of the contestants was talking about his best-selling book, which was apparently based in part on this AskMe. Not a very prolific member, but still has an account.
posted by TedW on Dec 30, 2011 - 19 comments

What is Cool for $500!

Metafilter's own chicobangs on Jeopardy tonight! [more inside]
posted by tizzie on Dec 7, 2011 - 104 comments

Jeopardy Online Meetup

So ... are any other MeFites doing the online Jeopardy! screening? The test starts in 6 minutes!
posted by Alt F4 on Mar 28, 2006 - 25 comments

User on Jeopardy!

We've got another Metafilter user appearing on Jeopardy! My nearby neighbor (which is why I discovered it), Candyland. Woohoo!
posted by phearlez on Jan 23, 2006 - 26 comments

User Sighting on Jeopardy

Dreama is on Jeopardy tonight, on now! (I think)
posted by riffola on Jun 21, 2005 - 36 comments

u.n. owen on Jeopardy

"I'll take swords for 2 million, Trebek"

Calling all Atlanta Mefites: Come see if U.N. Owen owned at her try outs to be on Jeopardy. We'll meet at Manuel's Tavern in Midtown on Feb 11th at 7pm!
posted by Hands of Manos on Feb 1, 2005 - 17 comments

Post-Jeopardy meetup?

I'm going to be trying out for Jeopardy at 2:30 PM, February 11th in Atlanta. Would anybody be up for doing coffee during the evening of Feb. 11th or 12th? It'd have to be coffee, as I am not of legal drinking age. And if I could perchance find a mefite who could put me up on the night of the 12th I'd be even happier.
posted by u.n. owen on Jan 12, 2005 - 33 comments

Thanks to those who helped me prep for Jeopardy!

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank those MeTa-folks who helped me out with advice on preparing for Jeopardy.

No, I didn't win, but I achieved my personal goal of not spazzing out in front of the cameras and also managed to chit-chat with Alex, answered a few tough questions, and even got a (intentional) laugh out of the audience.

You can watch me on September 15th (check your local listings for times).
posted by jpburns on Sep 10, 2003 - 34 comments

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