9 posts tagged with jokes and AskMe.
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Seeking AskMe clean jokes threads

I seem to remember a thread where someone was asking for clean jokes to tell their grandma. I found the thread with clean jokes for 9-year-olds, the one with clean jokes for the office party, and the one with dirty jokes for grandma, but nothing with clean jokes for grandma. Does a clean jokes for grandma thread exist, or is my memory conflating it out of the others?
posted by matildaben on Jun 22, 2015 - 26 comments

Take my jokes... please!

I'd like to thank AskMe for the post on punch lines without jokes. [more inside]
posted by sonika on Mar 22, 2013 - 47 comments

But it was funny!

What is the verdict on clever one-liners in AskMefi? [more inside]
posted by youcancallmeal on Apr 18, 2008 - 113 comments

Funny, Sad

A sad update has been posted to this well-loved AskMe question.
posted by Rumple on Feb 17, 2008 - 17 comments

Farts = not funny; Nuns = hilarious!

Help with Nun Humor: no? [more inside]
posted by mimi on Nov 11, 2007 - 86 comments

Fake statistics aren't valid answers.

Posting a esolutionsdata.com link in response to an Ask Metafilter question is bad form. Go hone your stand-up routine somewhere else.
posted by Rhomboid on Dec 29, 2006 - 31 comments

Why was my comment in this thread deleted?

Why was my comment in this thread deleted? My comment was "How much do you make?" and I was serious. Is that somehow not appropriate? Does jessamyn or Matt get to decide what might be an appropriate conversation starter?
posted by fixedgear on Feb 16, 2005 - 14 comments

Can we make jokes in AskMe?

Would some "wisecracks" liven Ask Meta up a bit ?
We've all behaved very well so far.
posted by johnny7 on Mar 14, 2004 - 59 comments

Jokes in AskMe are no good

Can we please make it stop? It's bad enough that we really want a 100+ post thread about same sex marriage every day. Do we have to drag it into AskMe?
posted by y6y6y6 on Feb 27, 2004 - 17 comments

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