2 posts tagged with kerry.
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looking for a link - John Kerry being grilled

Right around the Democratic Primaries, I followed a link I saw here to an article about John Kerry, where he was grilled for a while by Dem-friendly (but anti Iraq war) journalists about why he cast a vote for the resolution that gave Bush the power to go to war. I can't find this now. Can anyone help?
posted by namespan on Aug 18, 2004 - 4 comments

Politics supporter subsites idea

I just had an idea, it's just an idea, let me know if I'm nuts or this has any merit. Let's say around June 1, when the US presidental campaign gets into its full stride, I setup two sub-metafilter sites, one at BushIn2004.metafilter.com, the other at KerryIn2004.metafilter.com for fans of either to blow off their steam and keep MeFi proper largely free of the campaign-squabble-of-the-day posts we're likely to see? (yeah, and I'm curious how a bush supporter blog would go over too)
posted by mathowie on Apr 23, 2004 - 140 comments

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